Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 11.00.61030.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file comdlg32.dll File Type: DLL Section contains the following exports for comdlg32.dll 00000000 characteristics 45D6A146 time date stamp Sat Feb 17 15:31:34 2007 0.00 version 100 ordinal base 27 number of functions 26 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 101 0 000062BE ChooseColorA 102 1 000063D1 ChooseColorW 103 2 000144F1 ChooseFontA 104 3 00014711 ChooseFontW 105 4 000074D0 CommDlgExtendedError 106 5 000108E4 FindTextA 107 6 000108FE FindTextW 108 7 0000C15F GetFileTitleA 109 8 000024AC GetFileTitleW 110 9 0000FEA1 GetOpenFileNameA 111 A 0000FECD GetOpenFileNameW 112 B 0000FF40 GetSaveFileNameA 113 C 0000FF5B GetSaveFileNameW 114 D 0000777B LoadAlterBitmap 115 E 0001C28D PageSetupDlgA 116 F 0001C3B2 PageSetupDlgW 117 10 0001C1FD PrintDlgA 118 11 000218B3 PrintDlgExA 119 12 0002190C PrintDlgExW 120 13 00002DDA PrintDlgW 121 14 00010918 ReplaceTextA 122 15 00010932 ReplaceTextW 123 16 0000755C Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW 124 17 000047D5 WantArrows 125 18 0000888D dwLBSubclass 126 19 00008819 dwOKSubclass 100 00013F48 [NONAME] Section contains the following imports: msvcrt.dll 762B1000 Import Address Table 762DE4AC Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 77BD0F3E 22B _vsnwprintf 77BC6C74 F4 _except_handler3 77BD8EF2 339 wcslen 77BD762D 234 _wcsicmp 77BBCE33 2B1 free 77BBD020 2E4 malloc 77BD8140 2EB memmove 77BF467C BD _adjust_fdiv 77BCAE06 142 _initterm ntdll.dll 762B1028 Import Address Table 762DE4D4 Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 7C82AA43 2B1 RtlInitUnicodeStringEx 7C837538 390 RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize 7C81A2AB 1C7 RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString 7C82EAB8 389 RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString 7C86D8DD 2E0 RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3 SHLWAPI.dll 762B1040 Import Address Table 762DE4EC Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 77DB316D Ordinal 476 77E63C87 Ordinal 80 77DAC5BA F0 StrCmpW 77DA3D4D Ordinal 16 77DDE511 Ordinal 355 77DAB5CF 134 UrlIsW 77DB2E90 30 PathFindExtensionW 77DAF6AF Ordinal 197 77DB24FA C2 SHRegGetValueW 77DB17BA 2E PathFileExistsW 77DB150C Ordinal 204 77DB2E4D F4 StrDupW 77DE1872 Ordinal 317 77DAD3B2 Ordinal 172 77DA9AA6 114 StrStrW 77DA9824 24 PathCombineW 77DA6D13 62 PathMatchSpecW 77DA9A5B 3E PathGetDriveNumberW 77DACEFD A8 SHOpenRegStream2W 77DB7A84 Ordinal 219 77DA95BD Ordinal 346 77DA9E18 EA StrCmpIW 77DB2622 Ordinal 461 77DB3422 10A StrRetToBufW 77DB2EDB Ordinal 175 77DB1F61 32 PathFindFileNameW 77DA9971 Ordinal 266 77DAACBC BC SHRegGetBoolUSValueW 77DAF78A EE StrCmpNIW 77DAA808 13A wvnsprintfW 77DADA54 6E PathRemoveBlanksW 77DAB550 50 PathIsRootW 77DAA7EA 138 wnsprintfW 77DAEDC0 105 StrRChrW 77DA9BB9 Ordinal 217 77DB2D8A Ordinal 215 77DC72C0 7A PathSkipRootW 77DB10EB E5 StrChrW 77DA9621 1A PathAddBackslashW 77DB149E Ordinal 437 77DB114F 5A PathIsUNCW KERNEL32.dll 762B10E8 Import Address Table 762DE594 Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 77E52DE7 261 LocalSize 77E4F821 F4 FormatMessageW 77E6376D 1E3 GetUserDefaultLCID 77E6BFB3 CE FindClose 77E6BB49 D5 FindFirstFileW 77E66615 1EC GetVolumeInformationW 77E63143 395 WideCharToMultiByte 77E5D7BF DD FindNextFileW 77E64415 161 GetFileAttributesW 77E65789 16A GetFullPathNameW 77E5F0F7 25F LocalReAlloc 77E52846 F9 FreeLibraryAndExitThread 77E5B0A0 2CF ResetEvent 77E61C7B 391 WaitForSingleObject 77E6510F 6F CreateThread 77E5C6FA 255 LoadLibraryW 77E63C87 17E GetModuleFileNameW 77E69B31 50 CreateEventW 77E70D67 30B SetCurrentDirectoryW 77E6C2DC 315 SetErrorMode 77E511E1 E3 FindResourceA 77E6794D FD GetACP 77E63D7A 1A0 GetProcAddress 77E65136 182 GetModuleHandleW 77E616CC 274 MulDiv 77E5BDA9 3CB lstrcpynW 77E6EFAB 3C2 lstrcmpW 77E5CBDA 1FF GlobalFree 77E5BA9B 1F8 GlobalAlloc 77E63F02 3C8 lstrcpyW 77E5DA94 3C7 lstrcpyA 7C82C988 81 DeleteCriticalSection 77E4EB6D 365 TlsFree 77E678D7 364 TlsAlloc 77E63ED9 224 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 77E69316 8B DisableThreadLibraryCalls 77E4EA51 84 DeleteFileW 77E4F4D4 1D4 GetTempFileNameW 77E4753C 1B3 GetProfileStringW 77E66023 175 GetLocaleInfoW 77E52111 20A GlobalUnlock 77E521A9 203 GlobalLock 77E523F9 206 GlobalReAlloc 77E6B1A1 F8 FreeLibrary 77E616A8 226 InterlockedCompareExchange 77E41DC6 252 LoadLibraryA 77E69577 2A3 QueryPerformanceCounter 77E619D1 1DF GetTickCount 77E62FC7 146 GetCurrentThreadId 77E63C78 143 GetCurrentProcessId 77E41FBA 1CA GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 77E42004 35F TerminateProcess 77E62F9D 142 GetCurrentProcess 77E7690D 36F UnhandledExceptionFilter 77E82060 34B SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 77E61680 228 InterlockedDecrement 77E6166C 22C InterlockedIncrement 77E5C7E4 1C0 GetSystemDefaultUILanguage 77E5C2B6 E5 FindResourceExW 77E5C714 BD ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 77E58F1B FA FreeResource 77E424DE 357 Sleep 77E63E6F 34 CloseHandle 77E62311 316 SetEvent 77E653B8 154 GetDriveTypeW 77E5B06A 3C5 lstrcmpiW 77E69D74 1E9 GetVersionExA 77E61694 229 InterlockedExchange 77E6474A 17F GetModuleHandleA 77EBE05D 7F DelayLoadFailureHook 77E64841 56 CreateFileW 77E70531 141 GetCurrentDirectoryW 77E5DB5E 1B6 GetShortPathNameW 7C829E08 171 GetLastError 7C81A360 98 EnterCriticalSection 7C81A3AB 251 LeaveCriticalSection 77E70550 356 SizeofResource 77E622C9 3CE lstrlenW 77E620E0 366 TlsGetValue 7C82A136 329 SetLastError 77E6239C 258 LocalAlloc 77E5BE30 3CD lstrlenA 77E62FD6 275 MultiByteToWideChar 77E62419 25C LocalFree 77E70491 E6 FindResourceW 77E5BA69 367 TlsSetValue 77E6B11B 265 LockResource 77E69BF9 257 LoadResource 77E693FE 1AB GetProcessVersion USER32.dll 762B1250 Import Address Table 762DE6FC Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 773A6296 9D DialogBoxIndirectParamW 77393AA8 2F CharPrevW 7739C341 1B5 KillTimer 77391055 179 GetWindowTextLengthW 773A61F4 52 CreateDialogIndirectParamA 7739C3F7 27A SetTimer 7739C58E 1B1 IsWindowVisible 7739CE17 1ED MsgWaitForMultipleObjects 7739BDAC 2AA TranslateMessage 7739BAC1 A2 DispatchMessageW 7738E432 5E CreatePopupMenu 7738E20C 97 DestroyMenu 7739174E C BeginDeferWindowPos 77391770 90 DeferWindowPos 77391736 C5 EndDeferWindowPos 7739BE68 201 PeekMessageW 77393358 CB EnumChildWindows 7739CECB 110 GetDlgCtrlID 7738CE95 28B SetWindowsHookExW 7738E89A 1B7 LoadAcceleratorsW 773A083D 2AE UnhookWindowsHookEx 7739FB40 54 CreateDialogIndirectParamW 773877DC 15C GetSystemMenu 7738C177 91 DeleteMenu 7738D01C 266 SetParent 7739C062 1A CallNextHookEx 773AB3FB 1CF LockWindowUpdate 7739CE9E 16A GetWindow 773A0C59 128 GetLastActivePopup 7738EAA9 E5 FindWindowExW 7739C3A1 2A8 TranslateAcceleratorW 773927BB 215 RedrawWindow 77395248 BF DrawTextW 773879BB B6 DrawIcon 773A0F42 173 GetWindowPlacement 7738DCBC 282 SetWindowPlacement 7739CEE8 121 GetKeyState 7738BCE1 1BF LoadIconW 7738FDF3 1C1 LoadImageW 773901F5 21B RegisterClipboardFormatW 77392863 122 GetKeyboardLayout 7738B9C6 99 DestroyWindow 773DC4FE 113 GetDlgItemTextA 773DC537 253 SetDlgItemTextA 773CCD43 3B CheckRadioButton 7739C18B 1AD IsWindow 77390E2E 227 RegisterWindowMessageA 773901F5 228 RegisterWindowMessageW 773C68EE 1DE MessageBeep 77386D0C 1A3 IsDlgButtonChecked 77386B1B 38 CheckDlgButton 77394EE0 287 SetWindowTextW 773D517C A7 DlgDirListW 77387871 254 SetDlgItemTextW 7739562C 17A GetWindowTextW 7739EE1C 1E6 MessageBoxW 77393BBC 2C CharNextW 7739C6B7 8F DefWindowProcW 773C8A8D 17E GrayStringW 7738FC41 29 CharLowerW 77385AFB 10F GetDialogBaseUnits 773918CC 231 ScreenToClient 77392470 61 CreateWindowExW 7739C355 16E GetWindowLongA 773947A5 1CC LoadStringW 7739D36A 15D GetSystemMetrics 773A136B 28E ShowCursor 773969EE 1BD LoadCursorW 77394692 24D SetCursor 7739CA06 192 IntersectRect 7739388E DF EqualRect 773924AC 15B GetSysColorBrush 7739CBC7 193 InvalidateRect 773910CA 1AE IsWindowEnabled 773A5B34 2D2 WinHelpW 7739CB92 D BeginPaint 7739CB7E C8 EndPaint 7739D4D6 26B SetPropW 7739459A 20C PtInRect 77394586 244 SetCapture 7739F8E3 41 ClipCursor 773A026C 2C4 ValidateRect 773AE294 3C ChildWindowFromPoint 7738B6B3 256 SetFocus 773CCBED 112 GetDlgItemInt 773A6313 252 SetDlgItemInt 77386D3C 114 GetDlgItemTextW 7739D483 22D RemovePropW 773897E2 C6 EndDialog 7739CB50 2BC UpdateWindow 773872DC 237 SendDlgItemMessageW 77392676 283 SetWindowPos 77388443 C4 EnableWindow 7738F35C 292 ShowWindow 7738C1E7 1EC MoveWindow 77392375 281 SetWindowLongW 773951ED 174 GetWindowRect 7739580A B2 DrawEdge 7739C769 E2 FillRect 7739C40B 145 GetParent 7739C2EE 240 SendMessageW 7739D1A0 14B GetPropW 773896A9 9C DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW 773878CD 53 CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW 7738BA2D 2A CharNextA 7739BF59 1C CallWindowProcW 7738B556 111 GetDlgItem 7739C97C FF GetClientRect 7739D1F4 1DA MapWindowPoints 7739CBBA 116 GetFocus 7739C621 10C GetDC 773948E1 18A InflateRect 7738A301 B3 DrawFocusRect 7739C635 22A ReleaseDC 7739C9DF 4A CopyRect 7739DC7D 15A GetSysColor 7739FDEB E9 FrameRect 7739B8BE 16F GetWindowLongW 7739C7D8 203 PostMessageW GDI32.dll 762B1430 Import Address Table 762DE8DC Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 77C093AD 18E GetMapMode 77C089DA 251 TranslateCharsetInfo 77C08BD9 3D CreateFontIndirectW 77C0D7E1 158 GetCharWidth32W 77C07C9E 1C0 GetViewportExtEx 77C087A6 4C CreateRectRgnIndirect 77C091A0 3E CreateFontW 77C0DF98 42 CreateICW 77C0B92C 2F CreateDCW 77C0E078 D7 ExcludeClipRect 77C07C26 1C3 GetWindowExtEx 77C0931A 22C SetMapMode 77C10054 243 SetWindowExtEx 77C1015A 23F SetViewportExtEx 77C065E1 1AF GetTextCharsetInfo 77C07B47 250 TextOutW 77C06636 1AE GetTextCharset 77C06465 16C GetDeviceCaps 77C0B798 CB EnumFontFamiliesExW 77C077AF 1B9 GetTextExtentPointW 77C05F91 216 SetBkColor 77C05E31 23D SetTextColor 77C06149 217 SetBkMode 77C06662 8F DeleteObject 77C061E3 50 CreateSolidBrush 77C0D317 1F7 Rectangle 77C05BE0 20F SelectObject 77C059A3 1A6 GetStockObject 77C0C9FF 47 CreatePen 77C059F1 194 GetNearestColor 77C0630F 8C DeleteDC 77C05D32 2D CreateCompatibleDC 77C0C7DE 1F4 RealizePalette 77C0655D 210 SelectPalette 77C07E0A 1DE PatBlt 77C06898 12 BitBlt 77C0C786 1CE LineTo 77C08933 1D2 MoveToEx 77C06966 2C CreateCompatibleBitmap 77C09E28 33 CreateDIBitmap 77C30631 34 CreateDiscardableBitmap 77C0682A 198 GetObjectW 77C07D17 1BE GetTextMetricsW 77C07A2C 20D SelectClipRgn 77C0710E DE ExtTextOutW ADVAPI32.dll 762B14E8 Import Address Table 762DE994 Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 77F76CCE 1CB RegCloseKey 77F77A9C 1ED RegOpenKeyExW 77F76A81 1F8 RegQueryValueExW 77F6E086 1EC RegOpenKeyExA 77F6F4FA 1F7 RegQueryValueExA 77F77739 205 RegSetValueExW 77F6DC1A 1F9 RegQueryValueW 77F62491 1E2 RegEnumValueW COMCTL32.dll 762B150C Import Address Table 762DE9B8 Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 775DFBAC Ordinal 334 775D9CEF 38 ImageList_Destroy 775E726B Ordinal 338 775DDE54 46 ImageList_GetIconSize 775E44CE 5D InitCommonControlsEx 775E0AC4 Ordinal 403 775E07A3 Ordinal 152 775E09C0 Ordinal 169 775E082F Ordinal 167 775E8D14 Ordinal 156 775E74AA Ordinal 335 775E8428 Ordinal 339 775F6B8D Ordinal 386 775E8B41 Ordinal 401 775EF6DC 65 PropertySheetW 775F7872 Ordinal 410 775F76CD Ordinal 413 775F73F1 Ordinal 412 775F5CF5 Ordinal 16 775DF522 Ordinal 329 775E5980 Ordinal 328 775E804F 3D ImageList_Draw 775DECA9 A CreateToolbarEx 775E7A99 Ordinal 341 775E0788 Ordinal 400 775EA513 5 CreatePropertySheetPageW SHELL32.dll 762B1578 Import Address Table 762DEA24 Import Name Table FFFFFFFF time date stamp FFFFFFFF Index of first forwarder reference 7C957EB5 73 SHAddToRecentDocs 7C92D56D Ordinal 17 7C92C116 Ordinal 25 7C915784 77 SHBindToParent 7C92BCAB Ordinal 155 7C92BEB0 Ordinal 18 7C92E32B BD SHGetPathFromIDListW 7C92B194 Ordinal 102 7C90D15B Ordinal 644 7C909DFA Ordinal 645 7C91AC24 Ordinal 21 7C91A5F5 Ordinal 2 7C92C97F Ordinal 16 7C91E889 Ordinal 71 7C91A8B1 Ordinal 89 7C90F9C9 Ordinal 4 7C92BC8A Ordinal 195 7C92C370 A7 SHGetDesktopFolder 7C971A2F B7 SHGetMalloc 7C911299 Ordinal 100 7C9AC3A1 F3 SheChangeDirExW 7C91ABA0 C5 SHGetSpecialFolderPathW 7C92E42D C3 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation 7C936B88 AD SHGetFileInfoW 7C911A57 Ordinal 28 7C9EFDE0 8E SHCreateShellItem 7C92BCC2 Ordinal 152 7C90317C Ordinal 148 7C9126E1 Ordinal 68 7C920446 Ordinal 77 7C92D6E2 Ordinal 19 7C93A24C Ordinal 153 7C918293 Ordinal 24 7C92DFDA AE SHGetFolderLocation 7C911A33 Ordinal 190 7C8F91D3 Ordinal 173 7C95C145 Ordinal 42 7C93A924 Ordinal 654 7C956D73 Ordinal 714 7C9A4C3B Ordinal 96 7C91A8DB Ordinal 755 7C964B43 Ordinal 95 Header contains the following bound import information: Bound to msvcrt.dll [45D70B06] Sat Feb 17 23:02:46 2007 Bound to ntdll.dll [45D70AD8] Sat Feb 17 23:02:00 2007 Bound to SHLWAPI.dll [45D70AC0] Sat Feb 17 23:01:36 2007 Contained forwarders bound to KERNEL32.DLL [45D70AD8] Sat Feb 17 23:02:00 2007 Bound to KERNEL32.DLL [45D70AD8] Sat Feb 17 23:02:00 2007 Contained forwarders bound to ntdll.dll [45D70AD8] Sat Feb 17 23:02:00 2007 Bound to USER32.dll [45D70AC7] Sat Feb 17 23:01:43 2007 Bound to GDI32.dll [45D70A3E] Sat Feb 17 22:59:26 2007 Bound to ADVAPI32.dll [45D70A26] Sat Feb 17 22:59:02 2007 Bound to COMCTL32.dll [45D70A71] Sat Feb 17 23:00:17 2007 Bound to SHELL32.dll [45D70ABB] Sat Feb 17 23:01:31 2007 Section contains the following delay load imports: ole32.dll 00000001 Characteristics 762E2520 Address of HMODULE 762E1000 Import Address Table 762DE07C Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 762DCF8D 0 OleUninitialize 762DCF99 0 CoTaskMemFree 762DCFA5 0 CoCreateInstance 762DCFB1 0 CreateBindCtx 762DCFC8 0 CoInitializeEx 762DCFDF 0 CoUninitialize 762DCF70 0 OleInitialize VERSION.dll 00000001 Characteristics 762E2524 Address of HMODULE 762E1020 Import Address Table 762DE09C Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 762DCFF6 0 VerQueryValueW 762DD01E 0 GetFileVersionInfoW 762DD035 0 GetFileVersionInfoSizeW IMM32.dll 00000001 Characteristics 762E2528 Address of HMODULE 762E1030 Import Address Table 762DE0AC Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 762DDEEE 0 ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd 762DD074 0 ImmGetCompositionStringW 762DD08B 0 ImmGetContext 762DD04C 0 ImmReleaseContext MPR.dll 00000001 Characteristics 762E252C Address of HMODULE 762E1044 Import Address Table 762DE0C0 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 762DD144 0 WNetCloseEnum 762DD105 0 WNetConnectionDialog 762DD15B 0 WNetEnumResourceW 762DD172 0 WNetOpenEnumW 762DD189 0 WNetRestoreConnectionW 762DD12D 0 WNetFormatNetworkNameW WINSPOOL.DRV 00000001 Characteristics 762E10D0 Address of HMODULE 762E1060 Import Address Table 762DE0DC Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 762DD21A Ordinal 203 762DD200 0 AdvancedDocumentPropertiesW 762DD1E6 0 ConnectToPrinterDlg 762DD1CC 0 EnumPrintersW 762DD1A3 0 DeviceCapabilitiesW 762B29A2 0 GetPrinterW 762B2742 0 OpenPrinterW 762B275C 0 ClosePrinter 762DD1B2 0 ExtDeviceMode 762B276B 0 DocumentPropertiesW UxTheme.dll 00000001 Characteristics 762E2530 Address of HMODULE 762E108C Import Address Table 762DE108 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 762DD251 0 SetWindowTheme 762DD234 0 IsAppThemed Summary 4000 .data 3000 .reloc 11000 .rsrc 30000 .text