CGA Test Suit Results [Test Target: Windows NT MIPS NTVDM] Interleaved opcode/adapter memory read benchmark -- [PASS] Interleaved opcode/adapter memory write benchmark -- [PASS] Adapter Memory-only read benchmark -- [PASS] Adapter Memory-only write benchmark -- [PASS] Color Select and Mode Control Register tests: Border/Overscan color -- [FAIL] Overscan area doesn't appear in the console window Medium-res graphics background color -- [FAIL] Resolution is set up correctly in the graphic window, but background color doesn't cycle at all. High-res graphics foreground color -- [FAIL] Resolution is set up correctly in the graphic window, but foreground color doesn't cycle at all. Palette display (all six medium-res palettes) -- [FAIL] Resolution is set up correctly in the graphic window, but palette color doesn't cycle at all. Textmode manipulation: 40-column test -- [PASS] Textmode highcolor background (ie. disable blink) -- [??] Test completed sucessfully, but blink function works different from the expected (blinking text gets replaced by white text over gray background) Textmode cursor manipulation -- [FAIL] Only upside down cursor works as expected. CGA "snow" anomoly -- [PASS] Font display (simulated via 40-col mode) -- [PASS] Monitor Calibration: Brightness calibration -- [PASS] Pattern shown correctly Contrast calibration -- [PASS] Pattern shown correctly Moire pattern (high-res horiz/vert/50%) -- [PASS] Pattern shownhown correctly Display of all 16 colors -- [PASS] Pattern shown correctly MC6845 CRTC programming: Horizontal retrace demo -- [FAIL] Resolution is set up correctly in the graphic window, but there isn't any color activity at all. Vertical retrace detection -- [FAIL] Emulation too fast for test. Row reprogramming (80x100) -- [CRASH] Sometimes test just crashes with a gray graphical console window. Sometimes you get the gray console window, but you can abort the test pressing any key. Row/Column reprogramming (90x30) -- [FAIL] Only 80x25 mode works as expected. Interlaced mode -- [PASS] With some glitches. Horizontal/Vertical sync position test -- [FAIL] Test doesn't work as expected Start Address register test -- [FAIL] Resolution is set up correctly in the graphic window, but test doesn't work as expected.