Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x8095a122. kdb:> set condition * first always kdb:> cont (../../win32ss/user/ntuser/focus.c:578) err: Mouse Active (../../win32ss/user/ntuser/focus.c:578) err: Mouse Active MainFrameBase::OpenShellFolders(): parent_pidl=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Plocha fixme:(../../dll/win32/shell32/shlexec.cpp:1780) flags ignored: 0x00004000 (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/proc.c:4038) Current directory: C:\Program Files\Skype (../../lib/rtl/actctx.c:2309) unknown attr xmlns:asmv3=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3 (../../lib/rtl/actctx.c:1395) Unsupported yet language attribute ((null)) (../../lib/rtl/actctx.c:2395) unknown element trustInfo (../../lib/rtl/actctx.c:2395) unknown element compatibility WDMAUD.DRV - Process attached DRV_LOAD Opening wdmaud device Populating device lists 1 devices of type 2 found 1 devices of type 1 found 1 devices of type 4 found 0 devices of type 3 found 0 devices of type 5 found 1 devices of type 6 found Initialisation complete DRV_ENABLE / DRV_DISABLE DRV_OPEN / DRV_CLOSE (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/version.c:134) ReactOS returning version mismatch. Investigate! (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/version.c:134) ReactOS returning version mismatch. Investigate! (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/version.c:134) ReactOS returning version mismatch. Investigate! WDMAUD.DRV - Thread attached WDMAUD.DRV - Thread attached err:(../../dll/win32/advapi32/wine/security.c:1303) NtQuerySecurityObject() failed (Status c0000023) (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/heapmem.c:296) Warning, HeapWalk is calling RtlWalkHeap with Win32 parameters WARNING: RtlWalkHeap at ../../lib/rtl/heap.c:3864 is UNIMPLEMENTED! (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/heapmem.c:296) Warning, HeapWalk is calling RtlWalkHeap with Win32 parameters WARNING: RtlWalkHeap at ../../lib/rtl/heap.c:3864 is UNIMPLEMENTED! err:(../../dll/win32/oleaut32/typelib.c:3489) Loading of typelib L"uc.tlb" failed with error 2 (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:371) Delphi Exception at address: 0052988D (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:372) Exception-Object: 0328A298 Entered debugger on first-chance exception (Exception Code: 0xc0000005) (Page Fault) Memory at 0x80029C4A could not be read: Page not present. kdb:> bt Eip: (:0 (strnlen)) Frames: (lib/sdk/crt/printf/_sxprintf.c:85 (_vsnprintf)) (lib/rtl/debug.c:87 (vDbgPrintExWithPrefixInternal)) (lib/rtl/debug.c:211 (DbgPrint)) (dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:373 (RaiseException)) Couldn't access memory at 0x00000005! kdb:> cont err:(../../dll/opengl/opengl32/wgl.c:741) Error: hdc is not a DC handle! WDMAUD.DRV - Thread detached WDMAUD.DRV - Thread attached (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/heapmem.c:296) Warning, HeapWalk is calling RtlWalkHeap with Win32 parameters WARNING: RtlWalkHeap at ../../lib/rtl/heap.c:3864 is UNIMPLEMENTED! (../../dll/win32/kernel32/client/heapmem.c:296) Warning, HeapWalk is calling RtlWalkHeap with Win32 parameters WARNING: RtlWalkHeap at ../../lib/rtl/heap.c:3864 is UNIMPLEMENTED! Entered debugger on first-chance exception (Exception Code: 0xc0000005) (Page Fault) Memory at 0x03250000 could not be read: Page not present. kdb:> bt Eip: Frames: (:0 (KiIntSystemCall)) (dll/win32/dbghelp/stack.c:70 (read_mem64)) (dll/win32/dbghelp/stack.c:95 (sw_read_mem)) (dll/win32/dbghelp/cpu_i386.c:490 (i386_stack_walk)) (dll/win32/dbghelp/stack.c:233 (StackWalk64)) <00000000> kdb:> cont err:(../../dll/opengl/opengl32/wgl.c:741) Error: hdc is not a DC handle! WDMAUD.DRV - Thread detached WDMAUD.DRV - Thread attached WDMAUD.DRV - Thread detached (../../win32ss/user/ntuser/focus.c:578) err: Mouse Active (../../win32ss/user/ntuser/desktop.c:529) err: ptiLastInput is CLEARED!! (../../win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:2071) err: DereferenceObject pCursor Msgbox "Runtime error 217 at 0052988D"