ChildEBP RetAddr 00db301c 7c931a34 ntdll!RtlpInsertFreeBlockHelper(struct _HEAP * Heap = 0x00130000, struct _HEAP_FREE_ENTRY * FreeEntry = 0x0017e978, unsigned long BlockSize = 0xd1, unsigned char NoFill = 0x00 '')+0x142 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\lib\rtl\heap.c @ 313] 00db3048 7c931bb0 ntdll!RtlpSplitEntry(struct _HEAP * Heap = 0x00130000, unsigned long Flags = 8, struct _HEAP_FREE_ENTRY * FreeBlock = 0x0017e928, unsigned long AllocationSize = 0x50, unsigned long Index = 0xa, unsigned long Size = 0x48)+0x164 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\lib\rtl\heap.c @ 1692] 00db30cc 7c92d8c3 ntdll!RtlpAllocateNonDedicated(struct _HEAP * Heap = 0x00130000, unsigned long Flags = 8, unsigned long Size = 0x48, unsigned long AllocationSize = 0x50, unsigned long Index = 0xa, unsigned char HeapLocked = 0x01 '')+0xa0 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\lib\rtl\heap.c @ 1783] 00db3178 77766b03 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(void * HeapPtr = 0x00130000, unsigned long Flags = 8, unsigned long Size = 0x48)+0x2e3 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\lib\rtl\heap.c @ 2024] 00db3190 77766bc1 rpcrt4!RPCRT4_AllocBinding(struct _RpcBinding ** Binding = 0x00db31a0, int server = 0n0)+0x13 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\rpcrt4\rpc_binding.c @ 96] 00db31a4 777633d5 rpcrt4!RPCRT4_CreateBindingW(struct _RpcBinding ** Binding = 0x00db31dc, int server = 0n0, wchar_t * Protseq = 0x00175478 "ncacn_np")+0x11 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\rpcrt4\rpc_binding.c @ 122] 00db31e4 77c2f68e rpcrt4!RpcBindingFromStringBindingW(unsigned short * StringBinding = 0x0017e448, void ** Binding = 0x00db31f4)+0xb5 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\rpcrt4\rpc_binding.c @ 876] 00db3200 77760621 advapi32!PLSAPR_SERVER_NAME_bind(unsigned short * pszSystemName = 0x00000000)+0xce [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\advapi32\sec\lsa.c @ 66] 00db3230 7775db0a rpcrt4!client_get_handle(struct _MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE * pStubMsg = 0x00db3680, struct _NDR_PROC_HEADER * pProcHeader = 0x77c5abfc, unsigned char * pFormat = 0x77c5ac06 "1???", void ** phBinding = 0x00db3778)+0x1b1 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\rpcrt4\ndr_stubless.c @ 286] 00db37b8 7775cdcb rpcrt4!ndr_client_call(struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC * pStubDesc = 0x77c5bca0, unsigned char * pFormat = 0x77c5ac06 "1???", void ** stack_top = 0x00db37ec, void ** fpu_stack = 0x00000000)+0x31a [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\rpcrt4\ndr_stubless.c @ 644] 00db37d8 77c4b75d rpcrt4!NdrClientCall2(struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC * desc = 0x77c5bca0, unsigned char * format = 0x77c5abfc "")+0x2b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\rpcrt4\ndr_stubless.c @ 956] 00db3800 77c2e022 advapi32!LsarOpenPolicy(unsigned short * SystemName = 0x00000000, struct _LSAPR_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * ObjectAttributes = 0x00db3864, unsigned long DesiredAccess = 0x800, void ** PolicyHandle = 0x00db3884)+0x3d [g:\reactos\build\vs12\ninja\reactos\dll\win32\advapi32\lsa_c.c @ 216] 00db384c 77c305b7 advapi32!LsaOpenPolicy(struct _UNICODE_STRING * SystemName = 0x00db387c "", struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * ObjectAttributes = 0x00db3864, unsigned long DesiredAccess = 0x800, void ** PolicyHandle = 0x00db3884)+0xf2 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\advapi32\sec\lsa.c @ 1128] 00db38a0 77c2fe4e advapi32!LookupAccountSidW(wchar_t * pSystemName = 0x00000000 "", void * pSid = 0x0017e338, unsigned short * pAccountName = 0x00db38f8, unsigned long * pdwAccountName = 0x00db38d4, unsigned short * pDomainName = 0x0017e400, unsigned long * pdwDomainName = 0x00db38d8, _SID_NAME_USE * peUse = 0x00db38c4)+0x57 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\advapi32\sec\misc.c @ 555] 00db38e8 765b926c advapi32!GetUserNameW(unsigned short * lpszName = 0x00db38f8, unsigned long * lpSize = 0x00db4320)+0x1ae [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\advapi32\sec\misc.c @ 365] 00db4334 765b96ff shell32!_SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(wchar_t * szSrc = 0x00db4c1c "%USERPROFILE%\Рабочий стол", unsigned short * szDest = 0x00db4344)+0x2ac [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\shellpath.c @ 1887] 00db4980 765b9fb6 shell32!_SHGetUserShellFolderPath(struct HKEY__ * rootKey = 0x80000001, wchar_t * userPrefix = 0x00000000 "", wchar_t * value = 0x765eadfc "Desktop", unsigned short * path = 0x00db4c1c)+0x25f [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\shellpath.c @ 1444] 00db49f8 765b76ba shell32!_SHGetUserProfilePath(void * hToken = 0x00000000, unsigned long dwFlags = 0, unsigned char folder = 0x10 '', unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db4c1c)+0x166 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\shellpath.c @ 1727] 00db4e38 765b8081 shell32!SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, int nFolder = 0n32784, void * hToken = 0x00000000, unsigned long dwFlags = 0, wchar_t * pszSubPath = 0x00000000 "", unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db4e98)+0x2ba [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\shellpath.c @ 2088] 00db4e5c 765b7c66 shell32!SHGetFolderPathW(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, int nFolder = 0n32784, void * hToken = 0x00000000, unsigned long dwFlags = 0, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db4e98)+0x21 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\shellpath.c @ 1958] 00db4e80 765699cd shell32!SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, unsigned short * szPath = 0x00db4e98, int nFolder = 0n16, int bCreate = 0n1)+0x36 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\shellpath.c @ 2401] 00db50a0 7655c8ce shell32!CDesktopFolder::FinalConstruct(void)+0x1d [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 282] 00db50c8 765588ba shell32!ATL::CComCreator >::CreateInstance(void * pv = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db5108)+0x9e [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\lib\atl\atlcom.h @ 434] 00db50dc 76569347 shell32!ATL::CComCreator2 >,ATL::CComFailCreator<-2147221232> >::CreateInstance(void * pv = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db5108)+0x1a [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\lib\atl\atlcom.h @ 459] 00db50f4 765aaa57 shell32!SHGetDesktopFolder(struct IShellFolder ** psf = 0x00db5108)+0x77 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 1522] 00db5110 765aa09b shell32!SHBindToParent(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e7b0, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db523c, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidlLast = 0x00db5238)+0x97 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1302] 00db5244 7657050b shell32!SHGetPathFromIDListW(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e7b0, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db5254)+0x8b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1259] 00db5460 7658ae09 shell32!CFSFolder::Initialize(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e7b0)+0x9b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1194] 00db58b8 7658a827 shell32!SHELL32_CoCreateInitSF(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0016e168, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00000000 "", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = 0x00175070, struct _GUID * clsid = 0x00db5b2c {f3364ba0-65b9-11ce-a9ba-00aa004ae837}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db5b5c)+0x1f9 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 250] 00db5b60 76572580 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0016e168, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00000000 "", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017e89c, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db5f98)+0x167 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 314] 00db5b7c 7658a89e shell32!CDrivesFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e89c, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db5f98)+0x80 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdrivesfolder.cpp @ 266] 00db5e24 76569f05 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00174c20, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x0017e738 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017e888, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db5f98)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db5e40 765aaac3 shell32!CDesktopFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e888, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db5f98)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 441] 00db5e6c 765aa09b shell32!SHBindToParent(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e550, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db5f98, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidlLast = 0x00db5f94)+0x103 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1315] 00db5fa0 7657050b shell32!SHGetPathFromIDListW(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e550, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db5fb0)+0x8b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1259] 00db61bc 7658ae09 shell32!CFSFolder::Initialize(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e550)+0x9b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1194] 00db6614 7658a827 shell32!SHELL32_CoCreateInitSF(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017e280, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001cb2f0 "C:\", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = 0x0017e388, struct _GUID * clsid = 0x00db6888 {f3364ba0-65b9-11ce-a9ba-00aa004ae837}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db68b8)+0x1f9 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 250] 00db68bc 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017e280, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001cb2f0 "C:\", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017e18d, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db6fb8)+0x167 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 314] 00db68d8 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e18d, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db6fb8)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00db6b80 76572580 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00160c78, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00000000 "", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017e174, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db6fb8)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db6b9c 7658a89e shell32!CDrivesFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e174, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db6fb8)+0x80 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdrivesfolder.cpp @ 266] 00db6e44 76569f05 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017da00, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x0017db28 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017e160, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db6fb8)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db6e60 765aaac3 shell32!CDesktopFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017e160, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db6fb8)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 441] 00db6e8c 765aa09b shell32!SHBindToParent(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017dcb0, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db6fb8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidlLast = 0x00db6fb4)+0x103 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1315] 00db6fc0 7657050b shell32!SHGetPathFromIDListW(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017dcb0, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db6fd0)+0x8b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1259] 00db71dc 7658ae09 shell32!CFSFolder::Initialize(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017dcb0)+0x9b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1194] 00db7634 7658a827 shell32!SHELL32_CoCreateInitSF(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017dbd0, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x0017d9c0 "C:\Documents and Settings", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = 0x0017d948, struct _GUID * clsid = 0x00db78a8 {f3364ba0-65b9-11ce-a9ba-00aa004ae837}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db78d8)+0x1f9 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 250] 00db78dc 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017dbd0, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x0017d9c0 "C:\Documents and Settings", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017d817, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x167 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 314] 00db78f8 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017d817, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00db7ba0 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00175db8, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00174f28 "C:\", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017d7ad, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db7bbc 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017d7ad, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00db7e64 76572580 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x001cb700, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00000000 "", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017d794, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db7e80 7658a89e shell32!CDrivesFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017d794, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x80 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdrivesfolder.cpp @ 266] 00db8128 76569f05 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017d2c8, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x0017d568 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017d780, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db8144 765aaac3 shell32!CDesktopFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017d780, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db829c)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 441] 00db8170 765aa09b shell32!SHBindToParent(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175eb8, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db829c, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidlLast = 0x00db8298)+0x103 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1315] 00db82a4 7657050b shell32!SHGetPathFromIDListW(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175eb8, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db82b4)+0x8b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1259] 00db84c0 7658ae09 shell32!CFSFolder::Initialize(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175eb8)+0x9b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1194] 00db8918 7658a827 shell32!SHELL32_CoCreateInitSF(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017d008, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00172640 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = 0x00175248, struct _GUID * clsid = 0x00db8b8c {f3364ba0-65b9-11ce-a9ba-00aa004ae837}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db8bbc)+0x1f9 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 250] 00db8bc0 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0017d008, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00172640 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001751ab, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x167 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 314] 00db8bdc 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001751ab, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00db8e84 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00174e58, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001726e8 "C:\Documents and Settings", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x00175167, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db8ea0 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175167, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00db9148 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x001cb6c8, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001cb460 "C:\", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001750fd, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db9164 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001750fd, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00db940c 76572580 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x0016e0a8, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00000000 "", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001750e4, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db9428 7658a89e shell32!CDrivesFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001750e4, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x80 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdrivesfolder.cpp @ 266] 00db96d0 76569f05 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00175ac8, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00174ba8 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001750d0, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00db96ec 765aaac3 shell32!CDesktopFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001750d0, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00db9844)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 441] 00db9718 765aa09b shell32!SHBindToParent(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175520, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00db9844, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidlLast = 0x00db9840)+0x103 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1315] 00db984c 7657050b shell32!SHGetPathFromIDListW(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175520, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00db985c)+0x8b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1259] 00db9a68 7658ae09 shell32!CFSFolder::Initialize(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00175520)+0x9b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1194] 00db9ec0 7658a827 shell32!SHELL32_CoCreateInitSF(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x001740e0, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00171778 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = 0x001714a0, struct _GUID * clsid = 0x00dba134 {f3364ba0-65b9-11ce-a9ba-00aa004ae837}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dba164)+0x1f9 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 250] 00dba168 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x001740e0, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00171778 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001745c7, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x167 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 314] 00dba184 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001745c7, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00dba42c 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00171a60, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00172048 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x0017457b, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00dba448 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x0017457b, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00dba6f0 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00171e18, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001cbcc0 "C:\Documents and Settings", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x00174537, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00dba70c 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x00174537, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00dba9b4 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00171938, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001724f8 "C:\", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001744cd, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00dba9d0 7658a89e shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001744cd, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00dbac78 76572580 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x001725c0, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x00000000 "", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001744b4, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00dbac94 7658a89e shell32!CDrivesFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001744b4, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x80 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdrivesfolder.cpp @ 266] 00dbaf3c 76569f05 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00172c28, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001cc9e8 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001744a0, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x1de [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 324] 00dbaf58 765aaac3 shell32!CDesktopFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001744a0, struct IBindCtx * pbcReserved = 0x00000000, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb0b0)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 441] 00dbaf84 765aa09b shell32!SHBindToParent(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001721f8, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppv = 0x00dbb0b0, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidlLast = 0x00dbb0ac)+0x103 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1315] 00dbb0b8 7657050b shell32!SHGetPathFromIDListW(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001721f8, unsigned short * pszPath = 0x00dbb0c8)+0x8b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1259] 00dbb2d4 7658ae09 shell32!CFSFolder::Initialize(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001721f8)+0x9b [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1194] 00dbb72c 7658a827 shell32!SHELL32_CoCreateInitSF(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00171328, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001728d0 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = 0x00171c60, struct _GUID * clsid = 0x00dbb9a0 {f3364ba0-65b9-11ce-a9ba-00aa004ae837}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbb9d0)+0x1f9 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 250] 00dbb9d4 7656f155 shell32!SHELL32_BindToChild(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlRoot = 0x00171328, wchar_t * pathRoot = 0x001728d0 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы", struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidlComplete = 0x001cc128, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbba30)+0x167 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 314] 00dbb9f0 7658a013 shell32!CFSFolder::BindToObject(struct _ITEMIDLIST * pidl = 0x001cc128, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _GUID * riid = 0x765ef438 {000214e6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, void ** ppvOut = 0x00dbba30)+0x85 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 283] 00dbba3c 7656efe0 shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x00169e70, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbbe7c, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e7ac "Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0xc3 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 164] 00dbbe84 7658a063 shell32!CFSFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e796 "Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbbed0, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x1c0 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 230] 00dbbed8 7656efe0 shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x0016dc90, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbc318, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e796 "Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x113 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 168] 00dbc320 7658a063 shell32!CFSFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e782 "Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbc36c, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x1c0 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 230] 00dbc374 7656efe0 shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x0016f818, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbc7b4, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e782 "Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x113 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 168] 00dbc7bc 7658a063 shell32!CFSFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e768 "Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbc808, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x1c0 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 230] 00dbc810 7656efe0 shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x0016f730, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbcc50, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e768 "Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x113 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 168] 00dbcc58 7658a063 shell32!CFSFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e754 "All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbcca4, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x1c0 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 230] 00dbccac 7656efe0 shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x0016f698, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbd0ec, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e754 "All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x113 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 168] 00dbd0f4 7658a063 shell32!CFSFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e726 "Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbd140, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x1c0 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 230] 00dbd148 7657242f shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x001b3da0, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbd388, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e726 "Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x113 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 168] 00dbd390 7658a063 shell32!CDrivesFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbd3dc, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x20f [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdrivesfolder.cpp @ 233] 00dbd3e4 76569daa shell32!SHELL32_ParseNextElement(struct IShellFolder2 * psf = 0x001b9d70, struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** pidlInOut = 0x00dbd84c, wchar_t * szNext = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pEaten = 0x00000000, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x113 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfolder.cpp @ 168] 00dbd850 765aedcf shell32!CDesktopFolder::ParseDisplayName(struct HWND__ * hwndOwner = 0x00000000, struct IBindCtx * pbc = 0x0016e6a8, wchar_t * lpszDisplayName = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", unsigned long * pchEaten = 0x00000000, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbd8ac, unsigned long * pdwAttributes = 0x00000000)+0x37a [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cdesktopfolder.cpp @ 401] 00dbd890 765abf01 shell32!_ILParsePathW(wchar_t * path = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAW * lpFindFile = 0x00000000, int bBindCtx = 0n1, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** ppidl = 0x00dbd8ac, unsigned long * prgfInOut = 0x00000000)+0x10f [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1014] 00dbd8b0 765a5bcf shell32!SHSimpleIDListFromPathW(wchar_t * lpszPath = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk")+0x71 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\pidl.c @ 1081] 00dbddbc 76587424 shell32!SHChangeNotify(long wEventId = 0n2, unsigned int uFlags = 5, void * dwItem1 = 0x0016e720, void * dwItem2 = 0x00000000)+0x29f [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\wine\changenotify.c @ 341] 00dbdde0 76588c58 shell32!SHNotifyCopyFileW(wchar_t * src = 0x0016e270 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол\Командная строка.lnk", wchar_t * dest = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk", int bFailIfExists = 0n0)+0x144 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfileop.cpp @ 764] 00dbddf8 7658917f shell32!copy_file_to_file(struct FILE_OPERATION * op = 0x00dbe068, wchar_t * szFrom = 0x0016e270 "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Рабочий стол\Командная строка.lnk", wchar_t * szTo = 0x0016e720 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Главное меню\Программы\Автозапуск\Командная строка.lnk")+0x58 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfileop.cpp @ 1285] 00dbe024 76586c84 shell32!copy_files(struct FILE_OPERATION * op = 0x00dbe068, struct FILE_LIST * flFrom = 0x00dbe050, struct FILE_LIST * flTo = 0x00dbe038)+0x3af [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfileop.cpp @ 1433] 00dbe084 765716c1 shell32!SHFileOperationW(struct _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW * lpFileOp = 0x00dbe5a8)+0xf4 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\shlfileop.cpp @ 1732] 00dbe614 7656e2f7 shell32!CFSFolder::CopyItems(struct IShellFolder * pSFFrom = 0x001b9d40, unsigned int cidl = 1, struct _ITEMIDLIST ** apidl = 0x0016dcf8, int bCopy = 0n1)+0x321 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1129] 00dbf690 76570de6 shell32!CFSFolder::_DoDrop(struct IDataObject * pDataObject = 0x00188700, unsigned long dwKeyState = 8, struct _POINTL pt = struct _POINTL, unsigned long * pdwEffect = 0x00dbf6f4)+0xbb7 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1644] 00dbf6cc 7780860b shell32!CFSFolder::Drop(struct IDataObject * pDataObject = 0x00188700, unsigned long dwKeyState = 8, struct _POINTL pt = struct _POINTL, unsigned long * pdwEffect = 0x00dbf6f4)+0x196 [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shell32\folders\cfsfolder.cpp @ 1425] 00dbf6f8 76599d26 shlwapi!SHSimulateDrop(struct IDropTarget * pDrop = 0x00169a10, struct IDataObject * pDataObj = 0x00188700, unsigned int grfKeyState = 8, struct _POINTL * lpPt = 0x00dbf6ec, unsigned int * pdwEffect = 0x00dbf6f4)+0xdb [g:\reactos\sources-trunk\dll\win32\shlwapi\ordinal.c @ 1756]