shelllink.c:178: Test failed: GetPath failed (0x00000000) shelllink.c:241: Test failed: GetPath returned 'c:\nonexistent\file' shelllink.c:251: Test failed: case doesn't match shelllink.c:317: Test failed: GetIconLocation failed (0x80070002) shelllink.c:676: Test failed: GetPath returned 'C:\ReactOS\bin\shell32_winetest' instead of 'C:\ReactOS\bin\shell32_winetest.exe' shelllink.c:708: Test failed: GetPath returned 'C:\ReactOS\bin\rundll32' instead of 'C:\ReactOS\System32\rundll32.exe' shelllink.c:787: Test failed: GetPath returned 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\test' instead of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\test.bat' shelllink.c:947: Test failed: GetIconLocation failed (0x80070002) shelllink.c:961: Test failed: GetIconLocation failed (0x80070002) shelllink.c:988: Tests skipped: SHGetStockIconInfo not available shelllink.c:1147: Tests skipped: IShellLink doesn't support IPropertyStore. shelllink: 437 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 9 failures), 2 skipped.