Turbo Dump Version Copyright (c) 1988, 2000 Inprise Corporation Display of File FONTVIEW.EXE Old Executable Header DOS File Size 1BE00h (114176. ) Load Image Size 450h ( 1104. ) Relocation Table entry count 0000h ( 0. ) Relocation Table address 0040h ( 64. ) Size of header record (in paragraphs) 0004h ( 4. ) Minimum Memory Requirement (in paragraphs) 0000h ( 0. ) Maximum Memory Requirement (in paragraphs) FFFFh ( 65535. ) File load checksum 0000h ( 0. ) Overlay Number 0000h ( 0. ) Initial Stack Segment (SS:SP) 0000:00B8 Program Entry Point (CS:IP) 0000:0000 Portable Executable (PE) File Header base: 000000F8 CPU type 80386 Flags 102 [ executable linenumbers symbols backwards 32bit ] DLL flags C140 [ ] Linker Version E.0 Time stamp 5789911A : Sat Jul 16 10:42:50 2016 O/S Version A.0 User Version A.0 Subsystem Version 10.0 Subsystem 0002 [ Windows GUI ] Object count 00000005 Symbols offset 00000000 Symbols count 00000000 Optional header size 00E0 Magic # 10B Code size 00005A00 Init Data size 00016C00 Uninit Data size 00000000 Entry RVA 00005E10 Image base 00400000 Code base 00001000 Data base 00007000 Object/File align 00001000/00000200 Reserved 00000000 Image size 00020000 Header size 00000400 Checksum 0001E664 Stack reserve/commit 00040000/00002000 Heap reserve/commit 00100000/00001000 Number interesting RVAs 00000010 Name RVA Size ------------------ -------- -------- Exports 00000000 00000000 Imports 00008298 00000154 Resources 0000A000 00014178 Exceptions 00000000 00000000 Security 00000000 00000000 Fixups 0001F000 000006E0 Debug 000014C0 00000038 Description 00000000 00000000 Global Ptr 00000000 00000000 TLS 00000000 00000000 Callbacks 00001008 00000080 Bound Imports 00000000 00000000 Import Addr Table 00008000 00000294 Delayed Imports 00000000 00000000 COM Runtime 00000000 00000000 reserved 00000000 00000000 Object table: # Name VirtSize RVA PhysSize Phys off Flags -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 01 .text 0000585C 00001000 00005A00 00000400 60000020 [CER] 02 .data 00000FFC 00007000 00000400 00005E00 C0000040 [IRW] 03 .idata 000011CC 00008000 00001200 00006200 40000040 [IR] 04 .rsrc 00014178 0000A000 00014200 00007400 40000040 [IR] 05 .reloc 000006E0 0001F000 00000800 0001B600 42000040 [DIR] Key to section flags: C - contains code D - discardable E - executable I - contains initialized data R - readable W - writeable ****************************************************************************** Section: Import ImportLookUpTblRVA:000083EC Time Stamp: 00000000 Forwarder Chain: 00000000 (index of first forwarder reference) Imports from ADVAPI32.dll (hint = 0296) RegQueryValueExW (hint = 0258) RegCloseKey (hint = 0289) RegOpenKeyExW Imports from KERNEL32.dll (hint = 03E0) MultiByteToWideChar (hint = 02D4) GetSystemDefaultLangID (hint = 0084) CloseHandle (hint = 00C8) CreateFileW (hint = 01A2) FormatMessageW (hint = 03C1) LocalFree (hint = 0259) GetLastError (hint = 03BD) LocalAlloc (hint = 0159) ExitProcess (hint = 01AD) GetACP (hint = 01A6) FreeLibrary (hint = 03DF) MulDiv (hint = 0626) lstrlenW (hint = 02C7) GetStartupInfoA (hint = 03B7) LoadLibraryW (hint = 01D2) GetCommandLineW (hint = 0343) HeapSetInformation (hint = 02A6) GetProcAddress Imports from GDI32.dll (hint = 01B9) ExtTextOutW (hint = 0283) GetLayout (hint = 0168) EndDoc (hint = 016C) EndPage (hint = 05E3) StartPage (hint = 05E0) StartDocW (hint = 02D9) LineTo (hint = 02EE) MoveToEx (hint = 0559) RemoveFontResourceW (hint = 0039) CreateCompatibleDC (hint = 05EF) TranslateCharsetInfo (hint = 004D) CreateFontIndirectW (hint = 059B) SelectObject (hint = 02B1) GetTextCharsetInfo (hint = 015A) DeleteObject (hint = 0156) DeleteDC (hint = 0007) AddFontResourceExW (hint = 0557) RemoveFontResourceExW (hint = 025D) GetDeviceCaps (hint = 0009) AddFontResourceW (hint = 0273) GetFontResourceInfoW (hint = 026D) GetFontData (hint = 05D1) SetTextAlign (hint = 05D4) SetTextColor (hint = 05A5) SetBkMode (hint = 02BA) GetTextExtentPoint32W (hint = 02C4) GetTextMetricsW Imports from USER32.dll (hint = 0033) CharNextW (hint = 01AF) GetSysColor (hint = 0343) SetWindowTextW (hint = 0321) SetRect (hint = 012A) GetClientRect (hint = 0010) BeginPaint (hint = 0109) FillRect (hint = 00ED) EndPaint (hint = 02E8) SendMessageW (hint = 033E) SetWindowPos (hint = 00B0) DestroyWindow (hint = 0286) PostQuitMessage (hint = 00A4) DefWindowProcW (hint = 0323) SetScrollInfo (hint = 0285) PostMessageW (hint = 02DD) ScrollWindowEx (hint = 0202) InvalidateRect (hint = 02F5) SetCursor (hint = 01B2) GetSystemMetrics (hint = 00D9) DrawTextW (hint = 0245) LoadStringW (hint = 035F) SystemParametersInfoW (hint = 0073) CreateWindowExW (hint = 02B1) RegisterClassW (hint = 01B0) GetSysColorBrush (hint = 0236) LoadCursorW (hint = 0238) LoadIconW (hint = 00B8) DispatchMessageW (hint = 036F) TranslateMessage (hint = 036D) TranslateAcceleratorW (hint = 0230) LoadAcceleratorsW (hint = 00E8) EnableWindow (hint = 017F) GetNextDlgTabItem (hint = 0301) SetFocus (hint = 0149) GetFocus (hint = 0141) GetDlgItem (hint = 0212) IsDlgButtonChecked (hint = 0262) MessageBoxW (hint = 013C) GetDesktopWindow (hint = 025A) MessageBeep (hint = 017A) GetMessageW Imports from msvcrt.dll (hint = 0309) _onexit (hint = 009D) __dllonexit (hint = 03C4) _unlock (hint = 0260) _lock (hint = 016A) _except_handler4_common (hint = 0137) _controlfp (hint = 0035) ?terminate@@YAXXZ (hint = 00F7) _acmdln (hint = 01E8) _initterm (hint = 00E4) __setusermatherr (hint = 0207) _ismbblead (hint = 00CE) __p__fmode (hint = 0124) _cexit (hint = 0173) _exit (hint = 04AE) exit (hint = 00E2) __set_app_type (hint = 00A1) __getmainargs (hint = 0111) _amsg_exit (hint = 00C9) __p__commode (hint = 006F) _XcptFilter (hint = 03EC) _vsnwprintf (hint = 050A) memcpy_s (hint = 01A7) _ftol2_sse (hint = 050D) memset Imports from SHLWAPI.dll (ord. = 158) (hint = 004B) PathFindExtensionW (hint = 0091) PathRenameExtensionW (hint = 004D) PathFindFileNameW (hint = 008F) PathRemoveFileSpecW (hint = 0037) PathAppendW Imports from api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll (hint = 0042) CoUninitialize (hint = 0008) CoCreateInstance (hint = 0026) CoInitializeEx Imports from api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll (hint = 0009) CreateMutexExW (hint = 0036) WaitForSingleObject (hint = 0023) ReleaseMutex (hint = 0021) OpenSemaphoreW (hint = 0037) WaitForSingleObjectEx (hint = 000B) CreateSemaphoreExW (hint = 0026) ReleaseSemaphore (hint = 002D) Sleep Imports from api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll (hint = 000F) SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (hint = 000D) SetLastError (hint = 0011) UnhandledExceptionFilter Imports from api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll (hint = 000C) GetCurrentProcess (hint = 004D) TerminateProcess (hint = 000D) GetCurrentProcessId (hint = 0011) GetCurrentThreadId Imports from api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll (hint = 000F) GetModuleFileNameA (hint = 0013) GetModuleHandleExW (hint = 0011) GetModuleHandleA (hint = 0018) LoadLibraryExW Imports from api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll QueryPerformanceCounter Imports from api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll (hint = 0014) GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (hint = 0018) GetTickCount Imports from api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-2-0.dll GetProcessHeap (hint = 0002) HeapAlloc (hint = 0006) HeapFree Imports from api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-1.dll (hint = 0007) OutputDebugStringW Imports from COMDLG32.dll (hint = 0015) PrintDlgW ****************************************************************************** Section: Resources Flags: 00000000 Time Stamp: 00000000 Major Version: 0000 Minor Version: 0000 Resources: Type Name Lang Id -------------------------------------------- [1 named entries, 4 ID entries] MUI (next directory @00000038) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Cursor (1) (next directory @000000F8) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000248) Offset: 0001E0A0 Size: 000000D8 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Icon (3) (next directory @00000050) [0 named entries, 10 ID entries] type: Cursor (1) (next directory @00000110) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000258) Offset: 0000A7C8 Size: 00000668 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Bitmap (2) (next directory @00000128) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000268) Offset: 0000AE30 Size: 000002E8 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Icon (3) (next directory @00000140) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000278) Offset: 0000B118 Size: 00000128 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Menu (4) (next directory @00000158) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000288) Offset: 0000B240 Size: 00000EA8 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Dialog (5) (next directory @00000170) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000298) Offset: 0000C0E8 Size: 000008A8 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: String Table (6) (next directory @00000188) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @000002A8) Offset: 0000C990 Size: 00000568 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Font Directory (7) (next directory @000001A0) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @000002B8) Offset: 0000CEF8 Size: 0000D2B6 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Font (8) (next directory @000001B8) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @000002C8) Offset: 0001A1B0 Size: 000025A8 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Accelerator (9) (next directory @000001D0) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @000002D8) Offset: 0001C758 Size: 000010A8 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: RCData (10) (next directory @000001E8) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @000002E8) Offset: 0001D800 Size: 00000468 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Group Icon (14) (next directory @000000B0) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (150) (next directory @00000200) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @000002F8) Offset: 0001DC68 Size: 00000092 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Version (16) (next directory @000000C8) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Cursor (1) (next directory @00000218) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000308) Offset: 0001DD00 Size: 0000039C Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000 type: Unknown (24) (next directory @000000E0) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Cursor (1) (next directory @00000230) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000318) Offset: 0000A330 Size: 00000493 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000