WARNING: HvpWriteLog at sdk/lib/cmlib/hivewrt.c:29 is UNIMPLEMENTED! (sdk/lib/drivers/libusb/hub_controller.cpp:334) [USBUHCI] Change state on port 0 (drivers/usb/usbhub/fdo.c:262) Device disconnected from port 1 WARNING: HidClass_InternalDeviceControl at drivers/hid/hidclass/hidclass.c:953 is UNIMPLEMENTED! *** Assertion failed: FALSE *** Source File: /srv/buildbot/Build_GCCLin_x86/build/reactos/drivers/hid/hidclass/hidclass.c, line 954 Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? kdb:> o Execute '.cxr F89896E4' to dump context  Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x8094267e. kdb:> bt Eip: Frames: --- Press q to abort, any other key to continue --- <5d8950ec> <00000000> kdb:> cp ont (drivers/hid/hidusb/hidusb.c:1321) [HIDUSB] Dispatching unconfigure URB failed with c0000002 (drivers/usb/usbhub/pdo.c:216) [USBHUB] Request for removed device object B12F1A88 (drivers/hid/hidusb/hidusb.c:1321) [HIDUSB] Dispatching unconfigure URB failed with c000009d *** Fatal System Error: 0x00000044 (0xB0EA6008,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x80942684. kdb:>