shlfileop.c:202: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA('' | 0) did not clear hIcon shlfileop.c:203: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA('' | 0) did not clear szDisplayName[0] shlfileop.c:204: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA('' | 0) did not clear szTypeName[0] shlfileop.c:240: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA(c:\nonexistent | SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES) did not clear hIcon shlfileop.c:241: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA(c:\nonexistent | SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES) did not clear szDisplayName[0] shlfileop.c:242: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA(c:\nonexistent | SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES) did not clear szTypeName[0] shlfileop.c:250: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA(c:\nonexistent | SHGFI_EXETYPE) should return 1, got 0x0 shlfileop.c:388: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA(CSIDL_DESKTOP, SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|SHGFI_SMALLICON|SHGFI_PIDL) did not clear hIcon shlfileop.c:389: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoA(CSIDL_DESKTOP, SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|SHGFI_SMALLICON|SHGFI_PIDL) did not clear szTypeName[0] shlfileop.c:414: Test failed: SHGetFileInfoW(CSIDL_DESKTOP, SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|SHGFI_SMALLICON|SHGFI_PIDL) did not clear hIcon shlfileop.c:438: Test failed: dwAttributes not set shlfileop.c:447: Test failed: dwAttributes not set shlfileop.c:462: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:469: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:476: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:491: Test failed: got 00000000 expect 00239270 shlfileop.c:500: Test failed: SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES|SHGFI_PIDL|SHGFI_SMALLICON|SHGFI_EXETYPE Failed shlfileop.c:501: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:508: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:523: Test failed: got 00000000 expect 00239358 shlfileop.c:532: Test failed: SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES|SHGFI_PIDL|SHGFI_EXETYPE Failed shlfileop.c:533: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:540: Test failed: Icon Index Modified shlfileop.c:1079: Test failed: SHFileOperationA failed to copy (error 4c7) shlfileop.c:1900: Test failed: Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got 87 shlfileop.c:1912: Test failed: Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got 2 shlfileop.c:1954: Test failed: dir should be moved shlfileop.c:2645: Test failed: Didn't expect aborted operations shlfileop.c:2646: Test failed: Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got 87 shlfileop.c:2657: Test failed: Didn't expect aborted operations shlfileop.c:2658: Test failed: Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got 2 shlfileop: 790 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 31 failures), 0 skipped.