Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00.30729.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file kernel32_apitest.exe File Type: EXECUTABLE IMAGE Section contains the following imports: ntdll.dll 42C388 Import Address Table 42C050 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 112 NtQueryInformationFile 11E NtQueryObject 12A NtQuerySystemInformation 1B7 RtlAllocateHeap 1D1 RtlCompareMemory 1D4 RtlCompareUnicodeString 1EA RtlCopyUnicodeString 262 RtlFreeHeap 28A RtlGetVersion 29A RtlInitUnicodeString 2C3 RtlIsCriticalSectionLockedByThread 2ED RtlNtStatusToDosError kernel32.dll 42C3E4 Import Address Table 42C0AC Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 0 ActivateActCtx 9 AddVectoredExceptionHandler A AllocConsole 34 CloseHandle 49 CreateActCtxW 4B CreateDirectoryA 50 CreateEventW 53 CreateFileA 56 CreateFileW 5D CreateMailslotA 66 CreateProcessA 69 CreateProcessW 6F CreateThread 75 DeactivateActCtx 7D DefineDosDeviceA 81 DeleteCriticalSection 83 DeleteFileA 84 DeleteFileW 8A DeviceIoControl 98 EnterCriticalSection B9 ExitProcess C8 FillConsoleOutputCharacterW CB FindActCtxSectionStringW CE FindClose D2 FindFirstFileA D5 FindFirstFileW F4 FormatMessageW F5 FreeConsole F8 FreeLibrary 107 GetCalendarInfoA 108 GetCalendarInfoW 115 GetComputerNameExA 116 GetComputerNameExW 135 GetConsoleOutputCP 137 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo 13E GetCurrentActCtx 140 GetCurrentDirectoryA 141 GetCurrentDirectoryW 142 GetCurrentProcess 143 GetCurrentProcessId 146 GetCurrentThreadId 147 GetDateFormatA 148 GetDateFormatW 153 GetDriveTypeA 154 GetDriveTypeW 158 GetEnvironmentVariableA 15A GetExitCodeProcess 165 GetFileTime 171 GetLastError 178 GetLogicalDrives 17D GetModuleFileNameA 17E GetModuleFileNameW 17F GetModuleHandleA 182 GetModuleHandleW 194 GetOEMCP 1A1 GetProcAddress 1A4 GetProcessHeap 1B8 GetStartupInfoA 1C3 GetSystemDirectoryW 1CB GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 1CD GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA 1E0 GetTickCount 1E9 GetVersion 1EC GetVolumeInformationA 1ED GetVolumeInformationW 1F4 GetWindowsDirectoryA 1F5 GetWindowsDirectoryW 211 HeapAlloc 217 HeapFree 224 InitializeCriticalSection 237 IsBadWritePtr 239 IsDBCSLeadByteEx 240 IsValidCodePage 242 IsValidLocale 252 LeaveCriticalSection 253 LoadLibraryA 255 LoadLibraryExW 256 LoadLibraryW 25D LocalFree 26F MoveFileA 270 MoveFileExA 276 MultiByteToWideChar 280 OpenFile 287 OpenProcess 29E QueryActCtxW 2A0 QueryDosDeviceA 2A4 QueryPerformanceCounter 2A8 RaiseException 2B0 ReadConsoleOutputAttribute 2B2 ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW 2B6 ReadFile 2C5 RemoveDirectoryA 2CA RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler 2D0 ResetEvent 2D8 RtlUnwind 2EA SetComputerNameExW 2F3 SetConsoleCursorPosition 303 SetConsoleOutputCP 305 SetConsoleScreenBufferSize 309 SetConsoleWindowInfo 30B SetCurrentDirectoryA 30C SetCurrentDirectoryW 316 SetErrorMode 317 SetEvent 32A SetLastError 34C SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 358 Sleep 360 TerminateProcess 365 TlsAlloc 367 TlsGetValue 368 TlsSetValue 370 UnhandledExceptionFilter 388 VirtualProtect 38A VirtualQuery 392 WaitForSingleObject 396 WideCharToMultiByte 3A5 WriteConsoleW 3A6 WriteFile 3C3 lstrcmpW 3C5 lstrcmpiA 3C6 lstrcmpiW 3CC lstrcpynW 3CE lstrlenA 3CF lstrlenW msvcrt.dll 42C5D8 Import Address Table 42C2A0 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 69 __dllonexit 6C __getmainargs 6D __initenv 75 __lconv_init 98 __set_app_type 9A __setusermatherr A8 _acmdln BD _amsg_exit C8 _cexit 109 _fmode 10C _fpreset 135 _initterm 139 _iob 164 _lock 1B0 _onexit 1DD _snprintf 1F0 _strdup 1F2 _stricmp 1F6 _strnicmp 213 _unlock 219 _vsnwprintf 245 _winmajor 272 abort 27B atoi 27E calloc 287 exit 28D fflush 296 fprintf 29C free 2A4 fwrite 2CF malloc 2D4 memcmp 2D6 memmove 2D7 memset 2EC setvbuf 2ED signal 2F0 sprintf 2F4 strcat 2F5 strchr 2F6 strcmp 2F8 strcpy 2FE strncmp 301 strrchr 303 strstr 306 strtol 309 swprintf 317 vfprintf 31D wcscat 31F wcscmp 321 wcscpy 324 wcslen 329 wcsrchr 32B wcsstr Summary 1000 .CRT 1000 .bss 1000 .data 2000 .idata 7000 .rdata 18000 .rossym 1000 .rsrc 22000 .text 1000 .tls