Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 10.00.30319.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file browseui.dll PE signature found File Type: DLL FILE HEADER VALUES 14C machine (x86) 4 number of sections 4AE9EA71 time date stamp Fri Oct 30 04:18:09 2009 0 file pointer to symbol table 0 number of symbols E0 size of optional header 210E characteristics Executable Line numbers stripped Symbols stripped 32 bit word machine DLL OPTIONAL HEADER VALUES 10B magic # (PE32) 7.10 linker version 87C00 size of code 74C00 size of initialized data 0 size of uninitialized data 2A18 entry point (75EB2A18) 1000 base of code 85000 base of data 75EB0000 image base (75EB0000 to 75FAEFFF) 1000 section alignment 200 file alignment 5.02 operating system version 5.02 image version 4.00 subsystem version 0 Win32 version FF000 size of image 400 size of headers FCB65 checksum 2 subsystem (Windows GUI) 0 DLL characteristics 40000 size of stack reserve 1000 size of stack commit 100000 size of heap reserve 1000 size of heap commit 0 loader flags 10 number of directories 7258 [ 152] RVA [size] of Export Directory 86830 [ A0] RVA [size] of Import Directory 8B000 [ 6B938] RVA [size] of Resource Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Exception Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Certificates Directory F7000 [ 77F8] RVA [size] of Base Relocation Directory 88B4C [ 38] RVA [size] of Debug Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Architecture Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Global Pointer Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Thread Storage Directory 41D88 [ 40] RVA [size] of Load Configuration Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Bound Import Directory 1000 [ 990] RVA [size] of Import Address Table Directory 860BC [ 120] RVA [size] of Delay Import Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of COM Descriptor Directory 0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory SECTION HEADER #1 .text name 87BAD virtual size 1000 virtual address (75EB1000 to 75F38BAC) 87C00 size of raw data 400 file pointer to raw data (00000400 to 00087FFF) 0 file pointer to relocation table 0 file pointer to line numbers 0 number of relocations 0 number of line numbers 60000020 flags Code Execute Read Debug Directories Time Type Size RVA Pointer -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- 4AE9CC45 cv 25 00088B88 87F88 Format: RSDS, {3ACFEB57-8D5E-43CF-A687-DE32FD5CFB53}, 2, browseui.pdb 4AE9CC45 ( A) 4 00088B84 87F84 BB030FA2 Section contains the following exports for BROWSEUI.dll 00000000 characteristics 4AE9CC45 time date stamp Fri Oct 30 02:09:25 2009 0.00 version 101 ordinal base 38 number of functions 6 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 104 0 00010987 DllCanUnloadNow 108 1 00007CAC DllGetClassObject 109 2 00082DDE DllGetVersion 110 3 00045A73 DllInstall 111 4 000459FC DllRegisterServer 112 5 00045A4D DllUnregisterServer 101 000477F1 [NONAME] 102 00016128 [NONAME] 103 000280F5 [NONAME] 105 00001EC1 [NONAME] 106 0004BFFF [NONAME] 107 0004C2C7 [NONAME] 118 000048DA [NONAME] 120 0004B5D4 [NONAME] 121 00047CD4 [NONAME] 122 00048BDE [NONAME] 123 000127F4 [NONAME] 124 00048FEF [NONAME] 125 00048DA3 [NONAME] 126 00011CB9 [NONAME] 127 0004BEA6 [NONAME] 128 00063AF9 [NONAME] 129 00063C7E [NONAME] 130 0006306A [NONAME] 131 00065647 [NONAME] 133 000638D6 [NONAME] 134 0002AB8D [NONAME] 135 0002B09C [NONAME] 136 0004CF51 [NONAME] 137 0004CDE3 [NONAME] 138 000438AA [NONAME] Section contains the following imports: msvcrt.dll 75EB1000 Import Address Table 75F36924 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 2EB memmove F4 _except_handler3 2B1 free 142 _initterm BD _adjust_fdiv 2E4 malloc 22B _vsnwprintf KERNEL32.dll 75EB1020 Import Address Table 75F36944 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 39 CompareFileTime 1CA GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 3C2 lstrcmpA 1B8 GetStartupInfoW 286 OpenProcess 111 GetCommandLineW 93 DuplicateHandle 142 GetCurrentProcess 1C8 GetSystemTime 1E9 GetVersionExA 25F LocalReAlloc 358 Sleep F3 FormatMessageA 2C3 ReleaseSemaphore 229 InterlockedExchange 261 LocalSize 226 InterlockedCompareExchange 214 HeapDestroy 1DB GetThreadPriority 2CF ResetEvent 2C2 ReleaseMutex 35D SystemTimeToFileTime 274 MulDiv 368 TlsSetValue 367 TlsGetValue 366 TlsFree 365 TlsAlloc 2A3 QueryPerformanceCounter 2A4 QueryPerformanceFrequency 1EA GetVersionExW 4F CreateEventA 175 GetLocaleInfoW 182 GetModuleHandleW 27D OpenEventA 1F8 GlobalAlloc 1FF GlobalFree 275 MultiByteToWideChar 3CE lstrlenA 20A GlobalUnlock 203 GlobalLock 3CB lstrcpynA 204 GlobalMemoryStatus 1C5 GetSystemInfo 22C InterlockedIncrement 8B DisableThreadLibraryCalls 223 InitializeCriticalSection F8 FreeLibrary 81 DeleteCriticalSection 17F GetModuleHandleA 3C5 lstrcmpiA 143 GetCurrentProcessId 284 OpenMutexA 6F CreateThread 2D2 ResumeThread 370 UnhandledExceptionFilter 145 GetCurrentThread 346 SetThreadPriority 98 EnterCriticalSection 251 LeaveCriticalSection 316 SetEvent 146 GetCurrentThreadId 392 WaitForSingleObject 34 CloseHandle 171 GetLastError 228 InterlockedDecrement 258 LocalAlloc 25C LocalFree 1DF GetTickCount 396 WideCharToMultiByte 252 LoadLibraryA 1A0 GetProcAddress 3CF lstrlenW 253 LoadLibraryExA 255 LoadLibraryW 360 TerminateProcess 34C SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 2A7 RaiseException CE FindClose 3CC lstrcpynW SHLWAPI.dll 75EB1160 Import Address Table 75F36A84 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference Ordinal 165 11A StrToIntW Ordinal 245 Ordinal 251 Ordinal 290 Ordinal 175 5A PathIsUNCW Ordinal 515 Ordinal 123 Ordinal 557 Ordinal 476 Ordinal 270 Ordinal 125 Ordinal 51 Ordinal 43 Ordinal 505 Ordinal 507 Ordinal 437 Ordinal 176 Ordinal 319 Ordinal 98 Ordinal 24 Ordinal 335 Ordinal 426 EE StrCmpNIW C0 SHRegGetUSValueW Ordinal 182 Ordinal 177 Ordinal 553 Ordinal 383 Ordinal 427 Ordinal 215 Ordinal 478 Ordinal 278 A0 SHGetThreadRef 7E PathStripToRootW Ordinal 80 Ordinal 83 Ordinal 187 Ordinal 491 CC SHRegSetUSValueW Ordinal 131 Ordinal 102 Ordinal 103 Ordinal 286 Ordinal 100 Ordinal 252 Ordinal 359 Ordinal 246 D1 SHSetThreadRef 91 SHCreateThreadRef F4 StrDupW Ordinal 247 Ordinal 255 Ordinal 467 Ordinal 217 44 PathIsDirectoryW Ordinal 78 Ordinal 244 Ordinal 250 94 SHDeleteKeyA Ordinal 7 Ordinal 10 Ordinal 9 Ordinal 8 Ordinal 545 32 PathFindFileNameW Ordinal 239 8B SHCreateShellPalette Ordinal 241 Ordinal 376 Ordinal 549 95 SHDeleteKeyW Ordinal 431 Ordinal 378 Ordinal 414 Ordinal 416 30 PathFindExtensionW 10A StrRetToBufW DD StrCatBuffW 70 PathRemoveExtensionW F1 StrCpyNW Ordinal 313 6F PathRemoveExtensionA 31 PathFindFileNameA Ordinal 218 Ordinal 418 135 UrlUnescapeA 2B PathCreateFromUrlA 114 StrStrW Ordinal 132 Ordinal 516 Ordinal 223 Ordinal 222 Ordinal 439 Ordinal 496 F0 StrCmpW Ordinal 517 Ordinal 186 Ordinal 384 Ordinal 404 Ordinal 309 Ordinal 479 Ordinal 67 Ordinal 71 Ordinal 484 Ordinal 299 Ordinal 61 Ordinal 91 5C PathIsURLW Ordinal 312 24 PathCombineW Ordinal 75 126 UrlCreateFromPathW Ordinal 219 Ordinal 68 Ordinal 84 Ordinal 340 Ordinal 95 Ordinal 318 Ordinal 434 Ordinal 40 Ordinal 118 105 StrRChrW AE SHQueryValueExW Ordinal 130 Ordinal 128 128 UrlEscapeW 2C PathCreateFromUrlW Ordinal 12 Ordinal 168 Ordinal 200 Ordinal 201 Ordinal 204 Ordinal 509 Ordinal 441 Ordinal 494 Ordinal 172 Ordinal 366 Ordinal 460 120 UrlCanonicalizeW Ordinal 317 Ordinal 41 Ordinal 237 Ordinal 79 C2 SHRegGetValueW Ordinal 73 Ordinal 97 3A PathGetArgsW 138 wnsprintfW Ordinal 120 Ordinal 208 Ordinal 267 Ordinal 146 Ordinal 166 Ordinal 210 Ordinal 481 Ordinal 209 Ordinal 268 Ordinal 337 86 PathUnquoteSpacesW Ordinal 143 Ordinal 333 Ordinal 124 Ordinal 538 Ordinal 167 Ordinal 197 Ordinal 236 Ordinal 556 A4 SHIsLowMemoryMachine Ordinal 428 Ordinal 101 Ordinal 344 Ordinal 409 7 AssocQueryStringByKeyW 8A SHCopyKeyW 0 AssocCreate 6E PathRemoveBlanksW 111 StrStrIW Ordinal 558 4 AssocQueryKeyW Ordinal 37 Ordinal 87 Ordinal 193 Ordinal 140 Ordinal 134 Ordinal 2 Ordinal 56 99 SHDeleteValueW Ordinal 142 D6 SHStrDupW 2A PathCompactPathW Ordinal 138 Ordinal 99 Ordinal 355 Ordinal 16 Ordinal 280 Ordinal 269 Ordinal 194 Ordinal 260 Ordinal 307 Ordinal 65 Ordinal 487 C8 SHRegQueryUSValueW AF SHRegCloseUSKey B8 SHRegEnumUSKeyW C4 SHRegOpenUSKeyW Ordinal 537 107 StrRStrIW C3 SHRegOpenUSKeyA 9D SHEnumValueW Ordinal 96 E2 StrChrIW Ordinal 190 Ordinal 191 Ordinal 202 Ordinal 207 Ordinal 514 Ordinal 240 64 PathParseIconLocationW 8 AssocQueryStringW Ordinal 108 59 PathIsUNCServerW 50 PathIsRootW EF StrCmpNW 1C PathAddExtensionW 6A PathRemoveArgsW 40 PathIsContentTypeW Ordinal 6 5E PathMakePrettyW 58 PathIsUNCServerShareW Ordinal 462 Ordinal 119 4E PathIsRelativeW 26 PathCommonPrefixW Ordinal 305 B6 SHRegDuplicateHKey 2E PathFileExistsW Ordinal 50 Ordinal 173 Ordinal 225 C ColorHLSToRGB D ColorRGBToHLS Ordinal 300 Ordinal 93 Ordinal 145 Ordinal 211 Ordinal 256 72 PathRemoveFileSpecW 6C PathRemoveBackslashW Ordinal 212 Ordinal 221 Ordinal 220 Ordinal 74 Ordinal 279 A8 SHOpenRegStream2W Ordinal 195 Ordinal 314 Ordinal 315 Ordinal 534 Ordinal 521 Ordinal 523 Ordinal 533 Ordinal 522 Ordinal 524 Ordinal 158 101 StrPBrkW Ordinal 289 Ordinal 116 Ordinal 332 Ordinal 60 Ordinal 446 Ordinal 117 BC SHRegGetBoolUSValueW Ordinal 133 Ordinal 334 Ordinal 107 12 GetMenuPosFromID Ordinal 303 E5 StrChrW Ordinal 88 Ordinal 139 Ordinal 94 Ordinal 346 Ordinal 141 Ordinal 174 Ordinal 199 Ordinal 198 D3 SHSetValueW Ordinal 206 Ordinal 104 A2 SHGetValueW Ordinal 171 Ordinal 184 EA StrCmpIW Ordinal 508 Ordinal 499 Ordinal 506 Ordinal 535 Ordinal 164 Ordinal 163 Ordinal 136 Ordinal 394 Ordinal 391 Ordinal 36 Ordinal 106 Ordinal 425 Ordinal 542 Ordinal 192 Ordinal 276 Ordinal 181 Ordinal 179 Ordinal 302 Ordinal 55 Ordinal 49 Ordinal 59 Ordinal 178 Ordinal 23 GDI32.dll 75EB165C Import Address Table 75F36F80 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 4C CreateRectRgnIndirect 8F DeleteObject 237 SetRectRgn 21 CombineRgn 1B5 GetTextExtentPoint32A D3 EqualRgn 2C CreateCompatibleBitmap 216 SetBkColor 23D SetTextColor 20F SelectObject 3A CreateFontIndirectA 8C DeleteDC 12 BitBlt 19D GetPixel 27 CreateBitmap 2D CreateCompatibleDC 16C GetDeviceCaps 168 GetDCOrgEx 161 GetClipBox 1DE PatBlt 24A StretchBlt 50 CreateSolidBrush 239 SetStretchBltMode 32 CreateDIBSection 19B GetPaletteEntries 1F4 RealizePalette 210 SelectPalette 1A6 GetStockObject 1CE LineTo 1D2 MoveToEx 47 CreatePen 4A CreatePolygonRgn 23F SetViewportExtEx 240 SetViewportOrgEx 243 SetWindowExtEx 244 SetWindowOrgEx 22C SetMapMode 1B9 GetTextExtentPointW 23B SetTextAlign 1AC GetTextAlign 1D7 OffsetWindowOrgEx 217 SetBkMode 201 RestoreDC 208 SaveDC 24F TextOutA 4B CreateRectRgn USER32.dll 75EB1718 Import Address Table 75F3703C Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 121 GetKeyState 159 GetSubMenu F2 GetAsyncKeyState 229 ReleaseCapture F3 GetCapture 20C PtInRect 2AA TranslateMessage 1EE MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx 244 SetCapture 1DA MapWindowPoints 26C SetRect 27A SetTimer 1B5 KillTimer 115 GetDoubleClickTime 96 DestroyIcon 283 SetWindowPos 18A InflateRect 158 GetShellWindow 16E GetWindowLongA FE GetClassWord 137 GetMenuState C2 EnableMenuItem 133 GetMenuItemID 1A7 IsMenu 1CB LoadStringA 282 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MsgWaitForMultipleObjects 110 GetDlgCtrlID 259 SetKeyboardState 126 GetKeyboardState F5 GetCaretPos 290 ShowScrollBar 26E SetScrollInfo 155 GetScrollInfo C8 EndPaint D BeginPaint 26F SetScrollPos 227 RegisterWindowMessageA 1B0 IsWindowUnicode 2D4 WindowFromPoint 231 ScreenToClient 42 CloseClipboard 101 GetClipboardData 1F6 OpenClipboard CB EnumChildWindows 148 GetProcessWindowStation 164 GetUpdateRect 10E GetDesktopWindow 1BA LoadCursorA 23B SendMessageA 25D SetMenu 108 GetCursor 40 ClientToScreen 17F HideCaret 28D ShowCaret 25F SetMenuDefaultItem B2 DrawEdge 16C GetWindowDC 243 SetActiveWindow C6 EndDialog 3C ChildWindowFromPoint 2C CharNextW 203 PostMessageW 228 RegisterWindowMessageW 22A ReleaseDC DF EqualRect 1F5 OffsetRect 192 IntersectRect 4A CopyRect 1AD IsWindow 292 ShowWindow 1B1 IsWindowVisible 173 GetWindowPlacement 5E CreatePopupMenu 132 GetMenuItemCount 22B RemoveMenu 188 InSendMessage 10C GetDC ADVAPI32.dll 75EB1930 Import Address Table 75F37254 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 1ED RegOpenKeyExA 1F8 RegQueryValueExA 1EE RegOpenKeyExW 1F9 RegQueryValueExW 1CC RegCloseKey ole32.dll 75EB1948 Import Address Table 75F3726C Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 83 CreateStreamOnHGlobal EE OleInitialize 69 CoUninitialize 1C CoFreeUnusedLibraries 47 CoMarshalInterface 114 ReleaseStgMedium 65 CoTaskMemFree 3C CoInitializeEx 10 CoCreateInstance 76 CreateBindCtx 135 StringFromGUID2 2D CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream 18 CoFileTimeNow 64 CoTaskMemAlloc F3 OleLoadFromStream 105 OleUninitialize FF OleSaveToStream Section contains the following delay load imports: SHDOCVW.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F39B88 Address of HMODULE 75F39000 Import Address Table 75F3626C Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F3486C Ordinal 181 75F3487B 0 IEWriteErrorLog 75F3488A Ordinal 180 75F34899 Ordinal 165 75F348A8 Ordinal 187 75F348B7 Ordinal 223 75F348C6 Ordinal 117 75ED53D9 Ordinal 218 75EBEEC2 Ordinal 146 75F348D5 Ordinal 135 75EBE292 Ordinal 149 75ED53E8 Ordinal 172 75F348E4 Ordinal 138 75F348F3 0 DllRegisterWindowClasses 75F34902 Ordinal 221 75F34911 Ordinal 140 75EC63DD Ordinal 197 75ED19ED 0 SoftwareUpdateMessageBox 75F3492F Ordinal 214 75F3493E Ordinal 216 75EBE2A1 Ordinal 170 75F3494D Ordinal 152 75EB347E Ordinal 227 75F3495C Ordinal 225 75EBF19B Ordinal 198 75F34976 Ordinal 226 75F34985 Ordinal 212 75ED53F7 Ordinal 171 75F3499F Ordinal 137 75F349AE Ordinal 167 75EBEED1 Ordinal 142 75F349BD Ordinal 139 75F349CC Ordinal 103 75ED8BC6 Ordinal 196 75EC0453 Ordinal 160 75ED8BB7 Ordinal 185 75EBE283 Ordinal 176 75EBE274 Ordinal 195 75EBE265 Ordinal 150 75ED81EF Ordinal 116 75EBA910 Ordinal 224 75ED53CA Ordinal 145 75EBE256 Ordinal 222 75F3485D Ordinal 194 75EBE247 Ordinal 141 75EBEEB3 Ordinal 153 75EBE238 Ordinal 177 75EBE229 Ordinal 179 75EBE21A Ordinal 219 75F3484E Ordinal 178 75F34920 Ordinal 204 75EBEEA4 Ordinal 148 75EBA901 Ordinal 143 75EC0A0A Ordinal 191 75EBE20B Ordinal 147 75EBE1FC Ordinal 210 75F3483F 0 DoOrganizeFavDlgW 75EBE1DE Ordinal 174 75EB337B Ordinal 159 75F34830 Ordinal 200 75EBE1ED 0 SetQueryNetSessionCount OLEAUT32.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F39E84 Address of HMODULE 75F390F8 Import Address Table 75F36364 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F34AEB Ordinal 8 75F34ADC Ordinal 411 75ED5406 Ordinal 4 75ED9E94 Ordinal 9 75F34AC2 Ordinal 161 75F34AA8 Ordinal 163 75EDA3DB Ordinal 2 75EBEEE0 Ordinal 6 75F34AFA Ordinal 185 MPR.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F3A620 Address of HMODULE 75F39120 Import Address Table 75F3638C Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F3508E 0 WNetCloseEnum 75F350BC 0 WNetOpenEnumW 75F350A5 0 WNetEnumResourceW 75F35066 0 WNetDisconnectDialog SHELL32.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F39A7C Address of HMODULE 75F39134 Import Address Table 75F363A0 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F351E7 Ordinal 19 75F351F6 Ordinal 24 75ED5415 Ordinal 23 75EBE32C 0 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation 75F35205 Ordinal 195 75EBEF2B Ordinal 17 75F35214 Ordinal 98 75F35223 Ordinal 67 75EBE33B Ordinal 71 75F35232 Ordinal 77 75F35241 Ordinal 153 75ED81FE 0 SHGetDesktopFolder 75ED8BD5 Ordinal 4 75ED8BE4 Ordinal 121 75F35250 Ordinal 149 75F3525F Ordinal 66 75F3526E 0 SHGetPathFromIDListA 75F3527D Ordinal 27 75EBE34A Ordinal 103 75EBE359 Ordinal 176 75EBE368 0 SHGetInstanceExplorer 75EBEF3A Ordinal 16 75F3528C 0 ShellAboutW 75ED68C2 Ordinal 645 75ED68D1 Ordinal 644 75F3529B Ordinal 26 75F352AA Ordinal 137 75F352B9 Ordinal 152 75F352D3 0 SHGetFileInfoA 75F352E2 Ordinal 652 75EBE377 Ordinal 654 75F352F1 Ordinal 196 75F3530B Ordinal 134 75F3531A 0 SHGetDataFromIDListA 75F35329 Ordinal 88 75F35338 Ordinal 151 75F35347 Ordinal 74 75F35356 Ordinal 190 75F35365 Ordinal 189 75F35374 0 ExtractAssociatedIconExW 75F35383 0 SHAppBarMessage 75F35392 Ordinal 132 75F353A1 Ordinal 102 75F353BB Ordinal 136 75F353CA Ordinal 129 75ED5424 Ordinal 43 75F353D9 Ordinal 154 75F353E8 0 SHGetMalloc 75F353F7 Ordinal 21 75EBE386 Ordinal 18 75F35411 0 SHBindToParent 75F3542B Ordinal 89 75F35445 Ordinal 131 75EBE395 Ordinal 85 75EB1E90 Ordinal 175 75F360A3 Ordinal 171 75F36094 Ordinal 157 75ED2274 Ordinal 72 75F351CD Ordinal 25 75EBE31D Ordinal 68 75EBE2FF Ordinal 100 75EBE30E Ordinal 155 75F360B2 Ordinal 165 WININET.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F39CC4 Address of HMODULE 75F39234 Import Address Table 75F364A0 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F3545F 0 InternetQueryFortezzaStatus 75ED5433 0 InternetConfirmZoneCrossingW 75F35479 0 InternetFortezzaCommand 75ED1A0B 0 InternetCrackUrlW 75ED19FC 0 InternetCreateUrlW 75F35493 0 InternetGoOnlineW 75EBEF49 0 GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExW 75EBF18F 0 GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExA UxTheme.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F39BDC Address of HMODULE 75F39258 Import Address Table 75F364C4 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F354C7 Ordinal 47 75EBC1C1 0 OpenThemeData 75EBDE22 0 SetWindowTheme 75F354AD 0 CloseThemeData urlmon.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F39CC0 Address of HMODULE 75F3926C Import Address Table 75F364D8 Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F354E1 0 CoInternetIsFeatureEnabledForUrl 75ED1A1A 0 CoInternetQueryInfo 75F354FB 0 CreateURLMoniker 75EBA92A 0 FaultInIEFeature IMM32.dll 00000001 Characteristics 75F3A624 Address of HMODULE 75F39280 Import Address Table 75F364EC Import Name Table 00000000 Bound Import Name Table 00000000 Unload Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 75F35515 0 ImmGetVirtualKey 75F3553D 0 ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd SECTION HEADER #2 .data name 1948 virtual size 89000 virtual address (75F39000 to 75F3A947) 1200 size of raw data 88000 file pointer to raw data (00088000 to 000891FF) 0 file pointer to relocation table 0 file pointer to line numbers 0 number of relocations 0 number of line numbers C0000040 flags Initialized Data Read Write SECTION HEADER #3 .rsrc name 6B938 virtual size 8B000 virtual address (75F3B000 to 75FA6937) 6BA00 size of raw data 89200 file pointer to raw data (00089200 to 000F4BFF) 0 file pointer to relocation table 0 file pointer to line numbers 0 number of relocations 0 number of line numbers 40000040 flags Initialized Data Read Only SECTION HEADER #4 .reloc name 77F8 virtual size F7000 virtual address (75FA7000 to 75FAE7F7) 7800 size of raw data F4C00 file pointer to raw data (000F4C00 to 000FC3FF) 0 file pointer to relocation table 0 file pointer to line numbers 0 number of relocations 0 number of line numbers 42000040 flags Initialized Data Discardable Read Only Summary 2000 .data 8000 .reloc 6C000 .rsrc 88000 .text