DXG: DxDdSuspendDirectDraw DXG: DxDdSuspendDirectDraw DXG: DxDdDynamicModeChange DXG: DxDdResumeDirectDraw DXG: DxDdResumeDirectDraw (win32ss/gdi/eng/pdevobj.c:791) leave, ppdev = E1574B08, pSurface = E1657228 (win32ss/user/ntuser/painting.c:158) err: LOOP it (win32ss/user/ntuser/nonclient.c:1155) err: Wnd is active and not set active! (win32ss/user/ntuser/nonclient.c:1155) err: Wnd is active and not set active! (win32ss/user/ntuser/display.c:906) err: BitCount New 32 Orig 32 ChkNew 32 (win32ss/user/ntuser/nonclient.c:1155) err: Wnd is active and not set active! fixme:(dll/win32/imm32/ctf.c:77) (04090409) (win32ss/user/ntuser/winpos.c:791) err: FIXME: Parent is Desktop, Min off screen! (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:148) Flush pending: no, Holding lazy flush: no. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:200) Not forcing flush. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive \??\C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\ntuser.dat is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive \??\C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ntuser.dat is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SECURITY is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SAM is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive \SystemRoot\System32\Config\DEFAULT is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:76) Hive (null) is clean. (ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c:223) Lazy flush done. More work to be done: Yes. Entries still dirty: 0. (win32ss/gdi/eng/pdevobj.c:718) PDEVOBJ_bSwitchMode, ppdev = E1574B08, pSurface = E1657228 DXG: DxDdSuspendDirectDraw *** Assertion failed: KeI386VirtualIntExtensions == FALSE *** Source File: ../ntoskrnl/ke/i386/v86vdm.c, line 194 Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? kdb:> b Execute '.cxr F7817EB4' to dump context Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x8059E2AA. kdb:> kdb:> bt [?7hEip: Frames: <0000184e> Couldn't access memory at 0x00001FC8! kdb:> kdb:>