Unhandled exception ExceptionCode: 80000003 CS:EIP 1b:465ccf DS 23 ES 23 FS 3b GS 0 EAX: 00000001 EBX: 0047e080 ECX: 00000001 EDX: 00000000 EBP: 0022fac0 ESI: 00000000 ESP: 0022fa68 EDI: 00000000 EFLAGS: 00000246 Address: (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) Frames: (C:\ReactOS\system32\user32.dll@77a20000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\user32.dll@77a20000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\user32.dll@77a20000) (C:\ReactOS\System32\ntdll.dll@7c920000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe@400000) (C:\ReactOS\system32\kernel32.dll@7c5e0000) loaddlg.cpp:967: (base/applications/rapps/loaddlg.cpp:967) Operation cancelled err:(win32ss/user/user32/windows/messagebox.c:1048) MessageBox: L"The exception Breakpoint\r\nA breakpoint has been reached.\r\n (0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x00465ccf.\r\n\nClick on OK to terminate the program.\nClick on CANCEL to debug the program." err:(win32ss/user/user32/windows/window.c:524) CreateWindowExW RegisterSystemControls err:(win32ss/user/user32/windows/messagebox.c:1048) MessageBox: L"Debug Assertion Failed!\n\nFile: /srv/buildbot/worker_data/Build_GCCLin_x86/build/sdk/lib/atl/atlwin.h\nLine: 1118\n\n::IsWindow(m_hWnd)\n\n(Pres s Retry to debug the application)" (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (win32ss/user/ntuser/cursoricon.c:1930) err: NtGdiAlphaBlend failed! (dll/win32/kernel32/client/except.c:612) Starting debugger: 'C:\ReactOS\System32\drwtsn32 -p 1204 -e 1008 -g' ReactOS 0.4.15-x86-dev DrWtsn32 Application exception occurred: App: rapps.exe (pid=1204, tid=0x4b8) When: 2/7/2024 @ 05:51:13.840 First chance: 0 Exception number: 0x80000003 (EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT) Exception flags: 0x00000000 Exception address: 00465CCF Exception parameters: 3 Parameter 0: 0x00000000 Parameter 1: 0x00000000 Parameter 2: 0x00000000 *----> System Information <----* Computer Name: REACTOS-BG17Q85 User Name: Administrator BIOS Vendor: innotek GmbH BIOS Version: VirtualBox BIOS Date: 12/01/2006 System Manufacturer: innotek GmbH System Family: Virtual Machine System Model: VirtualBox System Version: 1.2 Baseboard Manufacturer: Oracle Corporation Baseboard Model: VirtualBox Baseboard Version: 1.2 Number of Processors: 1 Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 ReactOS Version: 5.2 BuildLab: 20240701-0.4.15-dev-8258-gc9aca50.GNU_8.4.0 Service Pack: Service Pack 2 Current Type: Uniprocessor Checked Registered Organization: Registered Owner: Owner *----> Task List <----* 0: [System Process] 4: System 96: smss.exe 148: csrss.exe 168: winlogon.exe 192: services.exe 200: lsass.exe 228: svchost.exe 248: eventlog.exe 368: rpcss.exe 420: explorer.exe 436: svchost.exe 484: svchost.exe 504: wlansvc.exe 560: spoolsv.exe 616: audiosrv.exe 728: kbswitch.exe 1204: rapps.exe 1352: drwtsn32.exe *----> Module List <----* (00000000 - 001A4000) C:\ReactOS\system32\rapps.exe (005B0000 - 006AF000) C:\ReactOS\system32\comdlg32.dll (70600000 - 70614000) C:\ReactOS\System32\wshtcpip.dll (71EF0000 - 71F14000) C:\ReactOS\system32\schannel.dll (722C0000 - 722D0000) C:\ReactOS\system32\rasadhlp.dll (72C40000 - 72C4C000) C:\ReactOS\system32\ntdll_vista.dll (72C90000 - 72C9F000) C:\ReactOS\system32\normaliz.dll (72CC0000 - 72CD6000) C:\ReactOS\System32\nfs41_np.dll (743C0000 - 743EF000) C:\ReactOS\system32\msafd.dll (74800000 - 74898000) C:\ReactOS\system32\mbedtls.dll (74A80000 - 74A96000) C:\ReactOS\system32\lpk.dll (75170000 - 7517B000) C:\ReactOS\system32\kernel32_vista.dll (77A20000 - 77BAA000) C:\ReactOS\system32\user32.dll (78FE0000 - 78FFB000) C:\ReactOS\system32\bcrypt.dll (79280000 - 792B4000) C:\ReactOS\system32\apphelp.dll (79370000 - 79380000) C:\ReactOS\system32\advapi32_vista.dll (79840000 - 798AB000) C:\ReactOS\system32\usp10.dll (799D0000 - 79A29000) C:\ReactOS\System32\rsaenh.DLL (79AC0000 - 79AD7000) C:\ReactOS\system32\mswsock.dll (79B20000 - 79C08000) C:\ReactOS\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.23038_none_deadbeef\gdiplus.dll (79E80000 - 79ECD000) C:\ReactOS\system32\uxtheme.dll (79EF0000 - 79F2D000) C:\ReactOS\system32\userenv.DLL (79F40000 - 79FF3000) C:\ReactOS\system32\riched20.dll (7A3C0000 - 7A3FE000) C:\ReactOS\system32\secur32.dll (7A440000 - 7A4C4000) C:\ReactOS\system32\netapi32.dll (7A730000 - 7A795000) C:\ReactOS\system32\imm32.dll (7A7B0000 - 7A7BE000) C:\ReactOS\system32\psapi.dll (7A8F0000 - 7A9AA000) C:\ReactOS\system32\wininet.dll (7A9C0000 - 7AAD0000) C:\ReactOS\system32\crypt32.dll (7AAF0000 - 7AB21000) C:\ReactOS\system32\mpr.dll (7AB40000 - 7ACAC000) C:\ReactOS\system32\setupapi.dll (7ACC0000 - 7AEAA000) C:\ReactOS\system32\oleaut32.dll (7AEC0000 - 7AEDD000) C:\ReactOS\system32\version.dll (7AF10000 - 7B956000) C:\ReactOS\system32\shell32.dll (7BB30000 - 7BB8F000) C:\ReactOS\system32\winspool.drv (7BBA0000 - 7BDBA000) C:\ReactOS\system32\ole32.dll (7BDD0000 - 7BFC3000) C:\ReactOS\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_none_deadbeef\comctl32.dll (7BFE0000 - 7C0B1000) C:\ReactOS\system32\rpcrt4.dll (7C0D0000 - 7C18F000) C:\ReactOS\system32\shlwapi.dll (7C1B0000 - 7C1C4000) C:\ReactOS\system32\ws2help.dll (7C1E0000 - 7C218000) C:\ReactOS\system32\ws2_32.dll (7C230000 - 7C268000) C:\ReactOS\system32\iphlpapi.dll (7C2B0000 - 7C2F4000) C:\ReactOS\system32\dnsapi.dll (7C310000 - 7C34F000) C:\ReactOS\system32\dhcpcsvc.dll (7C370000 - 7C409000) C:\ReactOS\system32\gdi32.dll (7C420000 - 7C4CA000) C:\ReactOS\system32\advapi32.dll (7C4E0000 - 7C5A4000) C:\ReactOS\system32\msvcrt.dll (7C5E0000 - 7C8EF000) C:\ReactOS\system32\kernel32.dll (7C920000 - 7CA6B000) C:\ReactOS\System32\ntdll.dll (ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/mdlsup.c:1085) MDL PROBE FAILED! State Dump for Thread Id 0x4b8 (CRASH) eax:00000001 ebx:0047E080 ecx:00000001 edx:00000000 esi:00000000 edi:00000000 eip:00465CCF esp:0022FA68 ebp:0022FAC0 dr0:00000000 dr1:00000000 dr2:00000000 dr3:00000000 dr6:00000000 dr7:00000000 *----> Stack Back Trace <----* FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name 0022FAC0 00465CCF 0047E080 0000000F 00000000 00000000 rapps!CWindowImplBaseT >::WindowProc +0x21f 0022FAF0 77A8B51E 003F0000 00850120 0000000F 00000000 user32!CALL_EXTERN_WNDPROC +0x1a 0022FC60 77A7F814 00361B20 00850120 0000000F 00000000 user32!IntCallWindowProcW +0x1857 0022FCB8 77A8165B 0022FCD0 00000020 0022FFB8 7C92F7B4 user32!User32CallWindowProcFromKernel +0x28e 0022FD58 7C92F805 0022FD7C 001C0176 0022FD7C 00000000 ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher +0x2e 0022FDA8 0043C8EF 0022FDDC 00000001 0047A058 00000014 rapps!MainWindowLoop +0x105 0022FE90 00456122 000205F0 00000000 00000001 00444DBE rapps!ParseCmdAndExecute +0x598 0022FED0 00456754 00400000 00000000 0023B066 00000001 rapps!wWinMain +0x10e 0022FEE8 0045D5B5 00000001 0023BB68 0023A108 00000000 rapps!wmain +0x2d 0022FF98 0045CACF 0022FFF0 7C5F1CDE FFFFFFFE 00000009 rapps!__tmainCRTStartup +0x30e 0022FFA0 0045CB24 FFFFFFFE 00000009 0022FFF8 00000004 rapps!wWinMainCRTStartup +0x17 0022FFF0 7C5F1CDE 0045CB0D 00000000 75010175 00000000 kernel32!BaseProcessStartup +0x47 *----> Raw Stack Dump <----* 0022FFF8 0d cb 45 00 00 00 00 00 - 75 01 01 75 00 00 00 00 ..E.....u..u.... 00230008 ee ff ee ff 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00230018 00 00 23 00 00 00 23 00 - 00 01 00 00 a8 0b 23 00 ..#...#.......#. 00230028 00 00 33 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..3............. 00230038 38 00 23 00 38 00 23 00 - 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8.#.8.#......... 00230048 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00230058 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 fe 00 00 ff ee ef 0e ................ 00230068 00 00 40 00 00 20 00 00 - 00 02 00 00 00 20 00 00 ..@.. ....... .. 00230078 c6 28 00 00 ff ef fd 7f - 01 00 a8 0b 00 00 00 00 .(.............. 00230088 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 88 00 d4 00 e8 0f d4 00 ................ State Dump for Thread Id 0x520 eax:000011A4 ebx:00000000 ecx:80F3C000 edx:00000000 esi:001D01EA edi:01076590 eip:7C92F8B2 esp:01418754 ebp:0141876C dr0:00000000 dr1:00000000 dr2:00000000 dr3:00000000 dr6:00000000 dr7:00000000 *----> Stack Back Trace <----* FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name 0141876C 7C92F8B2 01418798 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet +0x0 014187C4 77A69340 001D01EA 00000000 00000001 014187EC user32!DIALOG_DoDialogBox +0xbe 014187DC 77A6955E 00000000 010CC008 00000000 77A7A470 user32!DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW +0x49 014187FC 77A695DA 00000000 010CC008 00000000 77A7A470 user32!DialogBoxIndirectParamW +0x35 01418AE4 77A7B959 01418B6C 01410029 01418B14 7C4ED732 user32!SoftModalMessageBox +0xc04 01418BCC 77A7BEC6 00000028 00000000 00000000 01418C84 user32!MessageBoxTimeoutIndirectW +0x3dc 01418BFC 77A7BF55 00000000 01418C84 0047CFD4 00012012 user32!MessageBoxExW +0x55 01418C1C 77A7BF87 00000000 01418C84 0047CFD4 00012012 user32!MessageBoxW +0x2e 0141EC94 0045E6B6 00000002 00477400 0000045E 0047CF66 rapps!_VCrtDbgReportW +0x44d 0141ECB4 0045E88B 00000002 00477400 0000045E 00000000 rapps!_CrtDbgReportW +0x34 0141FFA4 004419C5 00B969B8 00000000 FFFFFFFF 7C63476B rapps!CDownloadManager::ThreadFunc +0x1a09 0141FFEC 7C5FCA58 0043FFAA 00B969B8 00000000 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStartup +0x47 State Dump for Thread Id 0x550 eax:7FFAF000 ebx:00000001 ecx:00000002 edx:00000003 esi:00000004 edi:00000005 eip:7C96606F esp:00D8FFE8 ebp:00D8FFF4 dr0:00000000 dr1:00000000 dr2:00000000 dr3:00000000 dr6:00000000 dr7:00000000 *----> Stack Back Trace <----* FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name 00D8FFF4 7C96606F 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!DbgBreakPoint +0x1 err:(win32ss/user/user32/windows/messagebox.c:1048) MessageBox: L"The application rapps.exe has crashed. Information about this crash has been saved to:\n\nC:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\App crash_2024-07-02_05-51-13.txt" (win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:842) err: Remove Window Messages E19DBA10 From Sent Queue (win32ss/user/ntuser/winsta.c:1433) err: Failed to reference the inherited window station, Status 0xc0000008 (win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:1272) err: NB Receiving Thread woken up dead! (win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:2260) err: Thread Cleanup Sent Messages E19DBA10