I've tested Freemat 4.2 under React OS
Freemat is a free open source alternative to Matlab (which is a commercial software frequently used for numerical applications, both in the academy and in the industry).
The installation worked just fine, but I couldn't run the program which stopped with the following message:
"The procedure entry point strerror_s could not be located in the dynamic
link library msvcrt.dll"
I've searched sterror_s in msdn and it seems to be just a secure version on
sterror with validation of the parameter, so it is not perhaps hard to fix this issue.
============ some details ==============================
You can download the 32bits version for MS Windows from
Under GNU/Linux you can check the format of the file by using
$ file FreeMat-4.2-Setup32bit.exe
FreeMat-4.2-Setup32bit.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive
I've used
I think that it would be nice to add Freemat the applications supported by React Os, since there is only one in the science category of the React Os Applications Manager