Attached patch is from encoded, it is based on wine dll's.
This can serve as a starting point to add those forwarder dll's to reactos.
My idea was to move those files to a separate directory, and instead of create a CMakeLists.txt for each one, just have one CMakeLists.txt that will create dll's from all spec files.
(Since all they do, at least initially, is forward stuff).
i had some trouble with crt
just check dll/win32/CMakeLists.txt
Issue Links
- is blocked by
CORE-17402 MSVC in Release config fails to compile 'ninja api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0' since 0.4.9-dev-626-g3f15a0d, error C2169: 'llabs' : intrinsic function, cannot be defined
- Resolved
CORE-14532 Apisets Pseudo-Regression, Far manager setup regression
- Resolved
CORE-15043 Apisets Pseudo-Regression, Illuminati joke Program: Application exception occurred
- Resolved
CORE-16563 Apisets Pseudo-Regression, Far Manager main app does not longer start up
- Resolved
CORE-16707 Apisets Pseudo-Regression, Motorbike game crashes at start
- Resolved
- relates to
CORE-16631 Apisets, provide an option to limit what LDR makes visible to apps by default
- Resolved