Resolution: Duplicate
ReactX - DirectDraw text fails / crashes
(Part of screen locked black)
fixme:(dll/win32/shell32/shlexec.cpp:1804) flags ignored: 0x00104000
(win32ss/user/ntuser/painting.c:1218) err: WARNING SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONG: Thread marked as containing dirty windows, but no dirty windows found! Counts 1
(dll/win32/kernel32/client/loader.c:384) LoadLibraryExW(dxtn) failing with status c0000135
(dll/win32/kernel32/client/loader.c:384) LoadLibraryExW( failing with status c0000135
(dll/win32/kernel32/client/loader.c:384) LoadLibraryExW( failing with status c0000135
fixme:(dll/directx/wine/wined3d/dxtn.c:484) Wine cannot find the txc_dxtn library, DXTn software support unavailable.
fixme:(dll/directx/wine/dinput/device.c:1317) DIPROP_VIDPID not implemented
fixme:(dll/directx/wine/dinput/device.c:1317) DIPROP_VIDPID not implemented
err:(dll/opengl/opengl32/wgl.c:741) Error: hdc is not a DC handle!
fixme:(dll/win32/setupapi/devinst.c:2490) : flag DIGCF_PROFILE ignored
(win32ss/user/ntuser/display.c:306) err: No GRAPHICS_DEVICE found
WARNING: MmLockPageableDataSection at ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/drvmgmt.c:62 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
WARNING: MmUnlockPageableImageSection at ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/drvmgmt.c:39 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
(win32ss/user/ntuser/message.c:1256) err: UserPostMessage: Invalid handle 0x00650043 Msg 0x2a3!
(win32ss/user/ntuser/nonclient.c:1060) err: Wnd is active and not set active!
fixme:(dll/directx/wine/wined3d/directx.c:2576) No card selector available for card vendor 0000 (using GL_RENDERER "ReactOS Software Implementation").
err:(dll/directx/wine/wined3d/directx.c:6580) You are using the backbuffer for offscreen rendering. This is unsupported, and will be removed in a future version.
err:(win32ss/user/user32/windows/message.c:1530) Exception Dialog unicode 00401F30 Msg 273 pti B0A3D008 Wndpti B0A3D008
(win32ss/user/ntuser/message.c:1256) err: UserPostMessage: Invalid handle 0x00030204 Msg 0x2a3!
(win32ss/user/ntuser/nonclient.c:1060) err: Wnd is active and not set active!
Issue Links
- duplicates
CORE-13486 [WINED3D] regression: MSAOE1 trial dies with unhandled exception in d3dwine.dll upon startup
- Resolved
- relates to
CORE-13660 ReactX - Direct3D test fails
- Resolved