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  1. Core ReactOS
  2. CORE-14183

BullGuard Antivirus can't start services




      At first, to get working the installer, I apply some registry hacks:
      Change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\ProductSuite from "Terminal Server" to empty value and ProductType from "ServerNT" to "WinNT";
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ReactOS\Settings\Version\ReportAsWorkstation from "0" to "1".
      After these hacks the installer works correctly.

      The antivirus installs correctly and doesn't cause any crash of the system, but he can't start some of their services. Reboot after installation doesn't solve the problem. Works only BullGuard scanning service and BullGuard update service. They works on autopilot, i.e. starts and terminates automatically. But when they are not launched, launching their is impossible. The start button in servman works, but they can't start anyway.
      Other services of BullGuard doesn't work at all. After the first unsuccessful trying to launch the service(s) by the start button in servman, this button becames inactive for these services: BullGuard Benhavioural Detection, BullGuard cache service, BullGuard e-mail monitoring service, BullGuard Main service and BullGuard on-access service. Next launching of these services is impossible. All of them, except BullGuard Benhavioural Detection, uses svchost.exe for its launch.
      Although the processes of these services are launched and visible in taskmgr, they does nothing and after trying to launch any of services from servman, after a few seconds there appears an error message that the main service is not running. I see in regedit that the all registry values are wroted correctly.

      In XP with the same installation of antivirus all the above-mentioned services works correctly in automatic mode and the main window of program appears succesfully.

      I used a web installer, which can be downloaded here: www.filehorse.com/download/file/uwvDd0DodL_RcLImLmb5U52XMw6OoelcgUn57zL61pE/


        1. debug_with_fltmgr.log
          19 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        2. debug.log
          79 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        3. Debug-not_working.log
          97 kB
        4. Error.png
          68 kB
        5. hangs.png
          19 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        6. VirtualBox_ReactOS_06_01_2018_16_58_44.png
          35 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        7. VirtualBox_ReactOS_06_01_2018_17_00_05.png
          46 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        8. VirtualBox_ReactOS_06_01_2018_17_00_28.png
          47 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        9. VirtualBox_ReactOS_06_01_2018_19_05_44.png
          63 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        10. VirtualBox_ReactOS_06_01_2018_19_06_25.png
          49 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        11. VirtualBox_Windows XP_06_01_2018_23_07_56.png
          86 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy
        12. VirtualBox_Windows XP_06_01_2018_23_08_05.png
          797 kB
          Oleg Dubinskiy



            bug zilla Bug Zilla
            Oleg Dubinskij Oleg Dubinskiy
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