One example happened during a test run with Pierre's Cc changes from CORE-14349:
Running Wine Test, Module: mshtml, Test: htmllocation
(dll/ntdll/ldr/ldrutils.c:1334) LDR: LdrpMapDll Relocating Image Name nss3.dll (6B840000-6BA3A000 -> 00960000)
(dll/ntdll/ldr/ldrutils.c:1373) Overlapping DLL: C:\ReactOS\System32\gecko\2.40\wine_gecko\xul.dll
(dll/win32/kernel32/client/version.c:140) VerifyVersionInfo -- Version mismatch(6.0.-1:-1)
(ntoskrnl/mm/ARM3/virtual.c:4506) Virtual allocation base above User Space
fixme:(dll/win32/iphlpapi/iphlpapi_main.c:2102) (Handle 015BFD84, overlapped 015BFD90): stub
err:(dll/win32/msafd/misc/dllmain.c:1973) Async Connect UNIMPLEMENTED!
fixme:(dll/win32/setupapi/devinst.c:2490) : flag DIGCF_PROFILE ignored
WARNING: GetICMProfileW at win32ss/gdi/gdi32/objects/icm.c:185 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
Unhandled exception
ExceptionCode: c000001d
CS:EIP 1b:a7c003
DS 23 ES 23 FS 3b GS 0
EAX: 031b5ae7 EBX: 031b5ae8 ECX: ffffffff
EDX: 0022e2e0 EBP: 031b5248 ESI: 00000000 ESP: 0022e1a0
EDI: 031b5e05 EFLAGS: 00010297
<nss3.dll:11c003> (C:\ReactOS\System32\gecko\2.40\wine_gecko\nss3.dll@960000)
(win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:1354) err: Post Msg; Thread or Q is Dead!
(win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:1354) err: Post Msg; Thread or Q is Dead!
(win32ss/user/ntuser/msgqueue.c:1354) err: Post Msg; Thread or Q is Dead!
Test htmllocation completed in 0.76 seconds.
The code tries to jump to the middle of an instruction, because the contents of the destination page are completely wrong. There is sometimes a single page inside the dll that has the completely wrong contents – often the contents that should be found in a different page of the same dll.
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-14349 Deadlocks can happen in Cc
- Resolved