For some reason ptiSendTo->EThread is NULL.
kd> kp
ChildEBP RetAddr
f21c1b98 f25f49fd nt!PsGetThreadFreezeCount(struct _ETHREAD * Thread = 0x00000000)+0x8 [c:\ros\reactos\ntoskrnl\ps\thread.c @ 687]
f21c1bbc f25e88c7 win32k!MsqIsHung(struct _THREADINFO * pti = 0xf53f6e18)+0x5d [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 2206]
f21c1c54 f25e8181 win32k!co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle(struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00040066, unsigned int Msg = 0x1a, unsigned int wParam = 0x14, long lParam = 0n-227661668, unsigned int uFlags = 0, unsigned int uTimeout = 0x64, unsigned long * uResult = 0xf21c1cc0)+0x707 [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1471]
f21c1c8c f260e40b win32k!co_IntSendMessageTimeout(struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x0000ffff, unsigned int Msg = 0x1a, unsigned int wParam = 0x14, long lParam = 0n-227661668, unsigned int uFlags = 0, unsigned int uTimeout = 0x64, unsigned long * uResult = 0xf21c1cc0)+0x151 [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1549]
f21c1cd0 f260e556 win32k!UserSystemParametersInfo(unsigned int uiAction = 0x14, unsigned int uiParam = 0, void * pvParam = 0x0012fba8, unsigned int fWinIni = 0x80002)+0x15b [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\sysparams.c @ 2114]
f21c1cf0 8054a16b win32k!NtUserSystemParametersInfo(unsigned int uiAction = 0x14, unsigned int uiParam = 0, void * pvParam = 0x0012fba8, unsigned int fWinIni = 0x80002)+0xc6 [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\sysparams.c @ 2138]
f21c1d10 80547dc8 nt!KiSystemCallTrampoline(void * Handler = 0xf260e490, void * Arguments = 0x0012fb8c, unsigned long StackBytes = 0x10)+0x1b [c:\ros\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\i386\ke.h @ 766]
f21c1d5c 80403e23 nt!KiSystemServiceHandler(struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf21c1d64, void * Arguments = 0x0012fb8c)+0x278 [c:\ros\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1813]
f21c1d5c 7c9364fe nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x8c
0012fb80 77aa1f69 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0012fb84 77a57965 user32!ZwUserSystemParametersInfo+0xc
0012fbb4 77a57c7b user32!RealSystemParametersInfoW(unsigned int uiAction = 0x14, unsigned int uiParam = 0, void * pvParam = 0x0012fc38, unsigned int fWinIni = 2)+0x55 [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\user32\misc\desktop.c @ 354]
0012fc04 004044dd user32!SystemParametersInfoW(unsigned int uiAction = 0x14, unsigned int uiParam = 0, void * pvParam = 0x0012fc38, unsigned int fWinIni = 2)+0x6b [c:\ros\reactos\win32ss\user\user32\misc\desktop.c @ 410]
0012fe6c 00403f9c userinit!SetUserWallpaper(void)+0x23d [c:\ros\reactos\base\system\userinit\userinit.c @ 458]
0012fe78 00405914 userinit!SetUserSettings(void)+0x8c [c:\ros\reactos\base\system\userinit\userinit.c @ 475]
0012feb4 00407bb0 userinit!wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ * hInst = 0x00400000, struct HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance = 0x00000000, wchar_t * lpszCmdLine = 0x00133e24 "", int nCmdShow = 0n5)+0x34 [c:\ros\reactos\base\system\userinit\userinit.c @ 669]
0012fecc 004077aa userinit!wmain(int flags = 0n1, wchar_t ** cmdline = 0x00133f48, wchar_t ** inst = 0x001332d0)+0x20 [c:\ros\reactos\sdk\lib\crt\startup\crt0_w.c @ 26]
0012ffb4 00407a78 userinit!__tmainCRTStartup(void)+0x2ba [c:\ros\reactos\sdk\lib\crt\startup\crtexe.c @ 312]
0012ffc0 7c635c14 userinit!wWinMainCRTStartup(void)+0x28 [c:\ros\reactos\sdk\lib\crt\startup\crtexe.c @ 172]
0012fff0 00000000 kernel32!BaseProcessStartup(<function> * lpStartAddress = 0x00407a50)+0x54 [c:\ros\reactos\dll\win32\kernel32\client\proc.c @ 463]
kd> ?? ptiSendTo
struct _THREADINFO * 0xf53f6e18
+0x000 pEThread : (null)
+0x004 RefCount : 0n1
+0x008 ptlW32 : (null)
+0x00c pgdiDcattr : (null)
+0x010 pgdiBrushAttr : (null)
+0x014 pUMPDObjs : (null)
+0x018 pUMPDHeap : (null)
+0x01c dwEngAcquireCount : 0
+0x020 pSemTable : (null)
+0x024 pUMPDObj : (null)
+0x028 ptl : (null)
+0x02c ppi : 0xb4acf008 _PROCESSINFO
+0x030 MessageQueue : 0xf52def10 _USER_MESSAGE_QUEUE
+0x034 KeyboardLayout : 0xbc40da48 tagKL
+0x038 pcti : 0xf53f6f71 _CLIENTTHREADINFO
+0x03c rpdesk : (null)
+0x040 pDeskInfo : (null)
+0x044 pClientInfo : 0x7ffdc6cc _CLIENTINFO
+0x048 TIF_flags : 0x2100041
+0x04c pstrAppName : (null)
+0x050 pusmSent : (null)
+0x054 pusmCurrent : (null)
+0x058 SentMessagesListHead : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xf53f6e70 - 0xf53f6e70 ]
+0x060 timeLast : 0n10416
+0x064 idLast : 0
+0x068 QuitPosted : 0 ''
+0x069 exitCode : 0n0
+0x06d hdesk : (null)
+0x071 cPaintsReady : 0
+0x075 cTimersReady : 0
+0x079 pMenuState : (null)
+0x07d dwExpWinVer : 0
+0x081 dwCompatFlags : 0
+0x085 dwCompatFlags2 : 0
+0x089 pqAttach : (null)
+0x08d ptiSibling : 0xb4acfe18 _THREADINFO
+0x091 fsHooks : 0
+0x095 sphkCurrent : (null)
+0x099 lParamHkCurrent : 0n0
+0x09d wParamHkCurrent : 0
+0x0a1 pSBTrack : (null)
+0x0a5 hEventQueueClient : (null)
+0x0a9 pEventQueueServer : 0xf528eff0 _KEVENT
+0x0ad PtiLink : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xf6318ec5 - 0xb4acfec5 ]
+0x0b5 iCursorLevel : 0n0
+0x0b9 ptLast : _POINTL
+0x0c1 cEnterCount : 0n0
+0x0c5 PostedMessagesListHead : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xf53f6edd - 0xf53f6edd ]
+0x0cd fsChangeBitsRemoved : 0
+0x0cf wchInjected : 0 ''
+0x0d1 cWindows : 0
+0x0d5 cVisWindows : 0xffffffff
kd> ?? Window
struct _WND * 0xbc6d0f98
+0x000 head : _THRDESKHEAD
+0x014 state : 0x80010048
+0x018 state2 : 0x80000280
+0x01c ExStyle : 0x10101
+0x020 style : 0x84c008cc
+0x024 hModule : 0x77490000 HINSTANCE__
+0x028 fnid : 0x82a4
+0x02c spwndNext : (null)
+0x030 spwndPrev : (null)
+0x034 spwndParent : 0xbc6d07d8 _WND
+0x038 spwndChild : (null)
+0x03c spwndOwner : (null)
+0x040 rcWindow : _RECTL
+0x050 rcClient : _RECTL
+0x060 lpfnWndProc : 0x77a71080 long user32!DefDlgProcW+0
+0x064 pcls : (null)
+0x068 hrgnUpdate : (null)
+0x06c PropListHead : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xbc6d1004 - 0xbc6d1004 ]
+0x074 PropListItems : 0
+0x078 pSBInfo : (null)
+0x07c SystemMenu : (null)
+0x080 IDMenu : 0
+0x084 hrgnClip : (null)
+0x088 hrgnNewFrame : (null)
+0x08c strName : _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING
+0x098 cbwndExtra : 0x1e
+0x09c spwndLastActive : 0xbc6d0f98 _WND
+0x0a0 hImc : (null)
+0x0a4 dwUserData : 0n0
+0x0a8 pActCtx : (null)
+0x0ac spwndClipboardListener : (null)
+0x0b0 ExStyle2 : 8
+0x0b4 InternalPos : <anonymous-tag>
+0x0d8 Unicode : 0y1
+0x0d8 InternalPosInitialized : 0y0
+0x0d8 HideFocus : 0y1
+0x0d8 HideAccel : 0y1
+0x0dc pSBInfoex : (null)
+0x0e0 ThreadListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xbc6d0b28 - 0xf53f6fa1 ]
The window seems to be a dialog, but it has no class or text, it's fnid is 0x82a4, which doesn't appear to be a valid value.
Actually, pcls == NULL shouldn't be possible due to the pwnd->pcls->atomClassName == gpsi->atomSysClass[ICLS_SWITCH] check in co_IntSendMessageTimeout.
Running with special pool enabled on 4b924a8685.
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-15565 IsHungAppWindow reports hung within 5 seconds
- Resolved