reactos-bootcd-0.4.15-dev-5369-g51f7891-x86-gcc-lin-dbg in particular folllowing fixing previously blocking ticket : CORE-18415
Using Visual Studio Professional Edition 6.0.8210, French
Installing WineVDM 0.8.1 from RAPPS (pre-requisite)
MFC40.dll error
msoutl32.ocx error
dtcrt.dll.ocx error
ASSERT due to
*** Assertion failed: IS_ATOM(ClassName->Buffer)
*** Source File: /srv/buildbot/worker_data/Build_GCCLin_x86/build/win32ss/user /ntuser/class.c, line 1355 |
(dll/win32/kernel32/client/loader.c:386) LoadLibraryExW(C:\ReactOS\System32\MFC42LOC.DLL) failing with status c0000135 |
fixme:(dll/win32/olepro32/olepro32stubs.c:47) stub |
cDPOsCreated = 0 |
cDPOsReleased = 0 |
cDCMPoolsCreated = 0 |
cDCMPoolsDestroyed = 0 |
cDCMPoolManagersCreated = 1 |
cDCMPoolManagersDestroyed = 1 |
cInitializedByDPO = 0 |
cInitializedFromDCMPool = 0 |
cInitializedByCreateDCM = 0 |
cAttachedForGetPropertyInfo = 0 |
cAttachedForQueryInterface = 0 |
err:(win32ss/user/user32/windows/messagebox.c:1048) MessageBox: L"This application has failed to start because MFC40.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.\r\n" |
ASSERT (decodec bt) :
<ntoskrnl.exe:19da46 (sdk/lib/rtl/i386/debug_asm.S:33 (DbgBreakPoint))> |
<win32k.sys:2cb5f (win32ss/user/ntuser/class.c:1355 (IntGetAtomFromStringOrAtom))> |
<win32k.sys:2cbb0 (win32ss/user/ntuser/class.c:1375 (IntGetClassAtom))> |
<win32k.sys:2e9a9 (win32ss/user/ntuser/class.c:2774 (NtUserGetClassInfo))> |
<ntoskrnl.exe:3fe5 (:0 (KiSystemCallTrampoline))> |
<ntoskrnl.exe:1603f5 (ntoskrnl/ke/i386/traphdlr.c:1840 (KiSystemServiceHandler))> |
<ntoskrnl.exe:3e2f (:0 (KiFastCallEntry))> |
* <ntdll.dll:f485 (dll/ntdll/dispatch/i386/dispatch.S:255 (KiIntSystemCall))> |
* <user32.dll:38e3f (win32ss/user/user32/windows/class.c:481 (GetClassInfoA))> |
* <ntdll.dll:404f (dll/ntdll/ldr/ldrinit.c:839 (LdrpRunInitializeRoutines))> |
* <ntdll.dll:c0b0 (dll/ntdll/ldr/ldrutils.c:2597 (LdrpLoadDll))> |
* <ntdll.dll:1c84 (dll/ntdll/ldr/ldrapi.c:398 (LdrLoadDll))> |
* <kernel32.dll:bcfe (dll/win32/kernel32/client/loader.c:365 (LoadLibraryExW))> |
* <kernel32.dll:be17 (dll/win32/kernel32/client/loader.c:170 (LoadLibraryExA))> |
<acmsetup.exe:7971> |
Couldn't access memory at 0x000019CD! |
"Ignoring" the assert leads to failed installation :
Full log : ReactOS.log
Issue Links
- is blocked by
CORE-18415 [FIXED] Unable to install Visual Studio 6 (D:\ACMBOOT.EXELST)
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
CORE-18136 Assertion failed when closing Bootice
- Resolved
- relates to
CORE-13422 Continuable Win32SS assertion IS_ATOM while installing Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Plus
- Resolved