- Open "empty" avi file created by CamStudio
ReactOS MediaPlayer crash with Unhandled exception
fixme:(dll/win32/winmm/mci.c:843) Couldn't load driver for type L"VCR". |
fixme:(dll/win32/mciavi32/mciavi.c:984) (0001, 00000020, 0022FDA4) : stub |
(win32ss/user/ntuser/nonclient.c:1133) err: Wnd is active and not set active! |
Unhandled exception
ExceptionCode: c0000005
Faulting Address: 0024F000
CS:EIP 1b:73837ca8
DS 23 ES 23 FS 3b GS 0 |
EAX: 0024f000 EBX: 0024cb00 ECX: 014bfefc
EDX: 0024cf60 EBP: 014bfefc ESI: 66010255 ESP: 014bfea4 |
EDI: 0024cc54 EFLAGS: 00010202 |
* <mciavi32.dll:7ca8 (dll/win32/mciavi32/mmoutput.c:616 (MCIAVI_PaintFrame))> (C:\ReactOS\system32\mciavi32.dll@73830000) |
* <mciavi32.dll:32fa (dll/win32/mciavi32/mciavi.c:397 (MCIAVI_player))> (C:\ReactOS\system32\mciavi32.dll@73830000) |
* <mciavi32.dll:35aa (dll/win32/mciavi32/mciavi.c:508 (MCIAVI_mciPlay_thread))> (C:\ReactOS\system32\mciavi32.dll@73830000) |
* <kernel32.dll:1c980 (dll/win32/kernel32/client/thread.c:71 (BaseThreadStartup))> (C:\ReactOS\system32\kernel32.dll@7c620000) |
Sample AVI file : ~temp-20221125_1447_41.avi
Difficult to get in the same condition (now fails with an application level error code by mplay32) but, looking at the guilty line of code : * <mciavi32.dll:7ca8 (dll/win32/mciavi32/mmoutput.c:616 (MCIAVI_PaintFrame))>
it appears that "wma->lpVideoIndex[wma->dwCurrVideoFrame]" if called, without checking that wma->dwCurrVideoFrame < wma->dwPlayableVideoFrames (size of wma->lpVideoInde array).
So I'd suggest to add :
See patch : mciavi.patch