Something is wrong with keyboard-interaction with radiobuttons.
Reproduction steps
- open the netcfgx dialog tcp/ip-v4 properties IDD_TCPIP_BASIC_DLG
- the current keyboard focus is on a radiobutton when you open that dlg
- now try to toggle the radio-button with the keyboard arrow keys
Expected result
on 2k3sp2 with the MS netcfgx you can press a single time the arrow-down key to make it untoggle the first radiobutton-choice, and toggle to the second choice
same is true for the arrow-up to untoggle the 2nd choice, and activate the first choice. A single keystroke is enough for that
Observed result
on ros the first arrow-down-pressing will invoke a drawing glitch, and only the 2nd keydown manages to untoggle the first selection and activate the 2nd selection
same is true for arrow-up. It needs a 2nd pressing of the key
(nothing is logged while toggling the radiobutton)
It affected both radiobuttons in that dialog.
netcfgx dlg resources to blame here according to KRosUser.
Issue Links
- relates to
CORE-19328 [NETCFGX] every click on the radiobutton adds another unintended property page
- Resolved