Resolution: Unresolved
I performed this test on a Win8.1 laptop, I had VT-x enabled.
Reproduction steps
- create VBox 4.3.12 VM with at least 2000MB of RAM spent to VM (you will need that much!)
- the virtual HDD should be at least 10GB (you will need that much)
- install ros into the VM, I used 0.4.15-dev-6969-g455f330 gcc dbg i386 GCC8.4.0 built itself with RosBEWin 2.2.2 here, I installed on FAT
- install git 2.10.0 from rapps
- install RosBE 2.2.1 (use a local copy, we don't have that in rapps yet), use C:\ros as the source folder
- switch desktop resolution to 1152x864 to have enough space for convenient working
- run RosBE2.2.1
- Run the taskmgr in the performance tab, and leave it running to observe resource consumption. Place it next to RosBE window
- now within the RosBE2.2.1 prompt do:
- 'prompt $T $P$G'
- 'git config --system http.sslverify false'
- 'git clone'
- 'cd reactos' to enter the source tree. You should be in C:\ros\reactos now.
- 'git reset --hard abaf0d1' to master 2022-10-13 21:30 (commit 0.4.15-dev-5188-gabaf0d1) in your working-tree which is only RosBE2.2.1compatible and builds successfully on Windows
- 'configure'
- 'cd output-MinGW-i386'
- 'ninja bootcd -j1'
it did successfully create a bootcd when I completed that scenario on a 0.4.15-dev-6969-g455f330 gcc i386 dbg build.
I closed the RosBE window and I closed the taskmgr
Now I wanted to shutdown the machine. Since I was already aware that the shutdown at this point might cause a BSOD due to the existance of the ticket CORE-18520,
I enabled now break on first chance in the debugger and initiated the shutdown via the startmenu.
it broke into the debugger with a first chance exception, I collected the stacktrace
after I cont'ed it hang, and did not complete the shutdown
When I triggered an ACPI-power-off that worked and could 'properly' end the session.
I do assume that to be reproducible in a similar way.
Something gets corrupted here somewhen on the way.
Issue Links
- relates to
CORE-18520 reproducible WinLogon crash followed by BSOD, during shutdown, after having tried to build ros on ros
- Resolved
CORE-18519 Building ros on ros RosBE2.2.1, 'ninja bootcd -j1' fails after breaking into the debugger '(ntoskrnl/ob/obhandle.c:2966) OB: Attempting to insert existing object', RosBE prompt logs 'out of disk space ENOENT ENOSPC,'
- Resolved