Similarly to CORE-6542
Install TuxPaint 0.9.22 from RAPPS
Using Up/Down/Left/Right to navigate on the RadioButton changes focus but does NOT change selection
Same installer in Win2K3 has selection changes.
See CORE-6542 for logs and analysis around comctl32 and user32 / dialog.c. It seems that the associated Windows procedure is NOT IsDialogMessageW
Wine 8.0.2 in Ubuntu suffers from the same bug :
It comes from this "Todo" item in comctl32/button.c :
* - WM_SETFOCUS: For (manual or automatic) radio buttons, send the parent window BN_CLICKED
Same fix as CORE-6542 by button_fixnotif.patch
Issue Links
- duplicates
CORE-6542 [COMCTL32] Alt+A fails to check radiobutton when instaling TuxPaint
- Resolved