Using Nopopups.exe Petzols' app.
This app Sets an app menu.
If you click on a menu item, instead creating a dropdown menu, it should redraw a new menu thanks to a new SetMenu call.
In Windows it works, but in ReactOS seems SetMenu doesn't invalidate the Menu bar, and hence, the new bar is not shown. The bar is there, because if you press a button,it reforce the button repaint, and it shows the new button.
To replicate the issue:
1)Open the Nopopups.exe
1a)A menu with the following buttons appears:Main:,File..,Edit...
2)Click on File...
2A)A menu with the following buttons should appear: File:,New, Open..,Save, Save as, (Main)
The Menu from 2A) doesnt appear, but it exists, it's easy to see that the Menu is there, because forcing a full window invalidate(minimizing, covering, etc), or even clicking on a part of the Menu bar, will make the Menu to be shown properly.
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-7153 METABUG: Petzold's Testcases
- Open
CORE-15779 Menu bar is not selected on mouse hover
- Open
- is cloned by
CORE-15934 REGRESSION: Resizing a themed window causes a classic frame to be drawn temporarily and makes the caption blink
- Resolved
- relates to
CORE-12827 Scrollbars not sending proper message sequence.
- Reopened
CORE-16827 Calculator not "repainted" when changing mode
- Resolved
CORE-12856 Hiding a window sends erroneous windows message
- Untriaged
CORE-12180 Unhandled kmode exception in win32k while using 7zip
- Open
CORE-11454 Double Commander error rendering TabControl
- Resolved
CORE-6897 SetWindowRgn doesn't work
- Resolved
CORE-12868 RedrawWindow doesn't send proper messages
- Untriaged
CORE-18072 [WIN32SS] SetWindowPos - SWP_FRAMECHAGED is broken
- Untriaged