Uploaded image for project: 'Core ReactOS'
  1. Core ReactOS
  2. CORE-9090

Use of uninitialized variable 'pwndChild' in co_WinPosSearchChildren



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Critical
    • None
    • Win32SS
    • None


      kd> kp
      ChildEBP RetAddr  
      f30569b8 f35f2fc3 win32k!_RTC_DefaultErrorFuncW(int errType = 3, wchar_t * file = 0xf3671ca0 "unknown file", int line = 0xffffffff, wchar_t * module = 0xf3671c80 "unknown module", wchar_t * format = 0xf3671c38 "Use of uninitialized variable %S!.")+0x3 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\runtmchk\rtcapi.c @ 29]
      f30569dc f35617ce win32k!_RTC_UninitUse(char * _Varname = 0xf35617f4 "pwndChild")+0x23 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\runtmchk\rtcapi.c @ 107]
      f30569fc f35616cc win32k!co_WinPosSearchChildren(struct _WND * ScopeWin = 0xbc654d68, struct _POINTL * Point = 0xf3056a94, unsigned short * HitTest = 0xf3056b38, int Ignore = 0)+0x22e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\winpos.c @ 2479]
      f3056a28 f35616cc win32k!co_WinPosSearchChildren(struct _WND * ScopeWin = 0xbc654928, struct _POINTL * Point = 0xf3056a94, unsigned short * HitTest = 0xf3056b38, int Ignore = 0)+0x12c [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\winpos.c @ 2453]
      f3056a54 f3561478 win32k!co_WinPosSearchChildren(struct _WND * ScopeWin = 0xbc6507d0, struct _POINTL * Point = 0xf3056a94, unsigned short * HitTest = 0xf3056b38, int Ignore = 0)+0x12c [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\winpos.c @ 2453]
      f3056aa4 f353b84a win32k!co_WinPosWindowFromPoint(struct _WND * ScopeWin = 0xbc6507d0, struct _POINTL * WinPoint = 0xf3056bd8, unsigned short * HitTest = 0xf3056b38, int Ignore = 0)+0xc8 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\winpos.c @ 2504]
      f3056b78 f353c778 win32k!co_IntProcessMouseMessage(struct tagMSG * msg = 0xf3056bc4, int * RemoveMessages = 0xf3056bfc, unsigned int first = 0, unsigned int last = 0)+0xea [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 1506]
      f3056b90 f353c9b6 win32k!co_IntProcessHardwareMessage(struct tagMSG * Msg = 0xf3056bc4, int * RemoveMessages = 0xf3056bfc, unsigned int first = 0, unsigned int last = 0)+0x48 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 1873]
      f3056bf0 f352e7af win32k!co_MsqPeekHardwareMessage(struct _THREADINFO * pti = 0xb0f6ea00, int Remove = 1, struct _WND * Window = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterLow = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterHigh = 0, unsigned int QSflags = 0x4ff, struct tagMSG * pMsg = 0xf3056cbc)+0x1f6 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 1966]
      f3056c38 f352e9ac win32k!co_IntPeekMessage(struct tagMSG * Msg = 0xf3056cbc, struct _WND * Window = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterMax = 0, unsigned int RemoveMsg = 0x4ff0001, long * ExtraInfo = 0xf3056c68, int bGMSG = 1)+0x24f [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 870]
      f3056c80 f35312ee win32k!co_IntGetPeekMessage(struct tagMSG * pMsg = 0xf3056cbc, struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterMax = 0, unsigned int RemoveMsg = 0x4ff0001, int bGMSG = 1)+0xfc [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1012]
      f3056cf4 80542099 win32k!NtUserGetMessage(struct tagMSG * pMsg = 0x00c6ff24, struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterMax = 0)+0x7e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 2094]
      f3056d14 80541bad nt!KiSystemCallTrampoline(void * Handler = 0xf3531270, void * Arguments = 0x00c6fee4, unsigned long StackBytes = 0x10)+0x19 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\i386\ke.h @ 725]
      f3056d5c 80403e03 nt!KiSystemServiceHandler(struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf3056d64, void * Arguments = 0x00c6fee4)+0x23d [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1717]
      f3056d5c 7c92fb8e nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x8c
      WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
      00c6fef8 765498cd 0x7c92fb8e
      00c6ff48 7654a2b8 0x765498cd
      00c6ff54 0040283b 0x7654a2b8
      00c6ff70 004014b1 0x40283b
      00c6ffb0 004013cb 0x4014b1
      00c6ffb8 77da2c0d 0x4013cb
      00c6ffec 00000000 0x77da2c0d




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