Resolution: Unresolved
I'm a IT student and I'm working as a full stack web developer in a USA company. In the summer, I would do an experience with ReactOS Team like unpaid internship. As a full stack, I saw your tools and your GSoC (I tried to apply, but I failed ) projects.
I really like the old-style of ReactOS (I was born when Windows 98 was released ) and your tools, ReactOS Team should be very very good at developing!
There are a lot of projects in the wiki, but, as a full stack web dev, I'd like to develop the "RESTful API for TESTman tool".
I have already done some restful api and the developing isn't difficult.. but I need to talk with one developer to understand the infrastructure of ReactOS
I'm making a little patch to start the crud api (for now, only viewing json is implemented)
If you know anything, can you write me a mail?
My mail:
Thanks, I hope you will get in touch with me.