Resolution: Fixed
ReactOS r69210 MSVC build
While switching back & forth console fullscreen mode, I got:
(C:\Downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\winpos.c:727) err: Parent is Desktop, Min off screen!
(C:\Downloads\reactos\win32ss\gdi\eng\pdevobj.c:468) PDEVOBJ_bSwitchMode, ppdev = E1475008, pSurface = E15BC080
(C:\Downloads\reactos\win32ss\gdi\eng\pdevobj.c:521) leave, ppdev = E1475008, pSurface = E146F820
(C:\Downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\painting.c:1420) err: EP: Another thread invalidated this window
err:(C:\Downloads\reactos\dll\win32\comctl32\commctrl.c:1756) GdiAlphaBlend failed: 0
(C:\Downloads\reactos\win32ss\gdi\eng\pdevobj.c:468) PDEVOBJ_bSwitchMode, ppdev = E1475008, pSurface = E146F820
(C:\Downloads\reactos\win32ss\gdi\eng\pdevobj.c:521) leave, ppdev = E1475008, pSurface = E15D4860
(C:\Downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\mmfault.c:122) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address 50
In-page I/O error ffffffffc0000001 - code c0000006 (!!! second chance !!!)
804890bf 8b4850 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+50h]
kd> g
(C:\Downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\mmfault.c:122) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address 50
In-page I/O error ffffffffc0000001 - code c0000006 (!!! second chance !!!)
804890bf 8b4850 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+50h]
kd> kp
ChildEBP RetAddr
f956353c 80489167 nt!KiUnlinkThread(struct _KTHREAD * Thread = 0x00000000, long WaitStatus = 0x100)+0xf [c:\downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\wait.c @ 62]
f9563550 8048124c nt!KiUnwaitThread(struct _KTHREAD * Thread = 0x00000000, long WaitStatus = 0x100, long Increment = 0)+0x17 [c:\downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\wait.c @ 97]
f9563574 80481a20 nt!KxUnwaitThread(struct _DISPATCHER_HEADER * Object = 0xf9496dec, long Increment = 0)+0x7c [c:\downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\ke_x.h @ 1270]
f9563598 f9aebc45 nt!KeSetEvent(struct _KEVENT * Event = 0xf9496dec, long Increment = 0, unsigned char Wait = 0x00 '')+0xc0 [c:\downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\eventobj.c @ 197]
f95635c8 f9aec79c win32k!co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage(struct _THREADINFO * pti = 0xb06b10d8)+0x355 [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 883]
f956362c f9ae319c win32k!co_MsqSendMessage(struct _THREADINFO * ptirec = 0xb06b0e10, struct HWND__ * Wnd = 0x00060076, unsigned int Msg = 0x1a, unsigned int wParam = 0x2f, long lParam = 0xf9c0a0f4, unsigned int uTimeout = 0x64, int Block = 0, int HookMessage = 0, unsigned long * uResult = 0xf95636f0)+0x7dc [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 1266]
f9563694 f9ae2c89 win32k!co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle(struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00060076, unsigned int Msg = 0x1a, unsigned int wParam = 0x2f, long lParam = 0xf9c0a0f4, unsigned int uFlags = 0, unsigned int uTimeout = 0x64, unsigned long * uResult = 0xf95636f0)+0x4ec [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1443]
f95636c8 f9aff2e4 win32k!co_IntSendMessageTimeout(struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x0000ffff, unsigned int Msg = 0x1a, unsigned int wParam = 0x2f, long lParam = 0xf9c0a0f4, unsigned int uFlags = 0, unsigned int uTimeout = 0x64, unsigned long * uResult = 0xf95636f0)+0x189 [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1534]
f95636f8 f9b01f1e win32k!UserSystemParametersInfo(unsigned int uiAction = 0x2f, unsigned int uiParam = 1, void * pvParam = 0x0012fa5c, unsigned int fWinIni = 0x80002)+0xd4 [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\sysparams.c @ 1611]
f956370c 804fde89 win32k!NtUserSystemParametersInfo(unsigned int uiAction = 0x2f, unsigned int uiParam = 1, void * pvParam = 0x0012fa5c, unsigned int fWinIni = 0x80002)+0x6e [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\sysparams.c @ 1635]
f956372c 804fd42d nt!KiSystemCallTrampoline(void * Handler = 0xf9b01eb0, void * Arguments = 0x0012f9cc, unsigned long StackBytes = 0x10)+0x19 [c:\downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\i386\ke.h @ 742]
f956376c 80403e13 nt!KiSystemServiceHandler(struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf9563774, void * Arguments = 0x0012f9cc)+0x22d [c:\downloads\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1727]
f956376c 7c92cb3e nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x8c
0012f9c0 7c5d5679 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0012f9c4 7c59be1e user32!ZwUserSystemParametersInfo+0xc
0012f9e8 7c59bf66 user32!RealSystemParametersInfoW(unsigned int uiAction = 0x2f, unsigned int uiParam = 1, void * pvParam = 0x0012fa5c, unsigned int fWinIni = 2)+0x4e [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\user32\misc\desktop.c @ 360]
0012fa2c 004119be user32!SystemParametersInfoW(unsigned int uiAction = 0x2f, unsigned int uiParam = 1, void * pvParam = 0x0012fa5c, unsigned int fWinIni = 2)+0x76 [c:\downloads\reactos\win32ss\user\user32\misc\desktop.c @ 415]
0012fa6c 004116ad explorer!CTrayWindow::ResizeWorkArea(void)+0xee [c:\downloads\reactos\base\shell\explorer\traywnd.cpp @ 1033]
0012fa88 00413bc7 explorer!CTrayWindow::CheckTrayWndPosition(void)+0xad [c:\downloads\reactos\base\shell\explorer\traywnd.cpp @ 1059]
Cc'ed jimtabor and thfabba, looks like strongly related with CORE-9210
Issue Links
- relates to
CORE-9210 Race condition between co_MsqSendMessage and co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage causes event object use after free when running user32_apitest:GetIconInfo
- Resolved
CORE-10178 Opening Road Rash game causes BSOD.
- Resolved