I finally found a way to consistently repro the event use-after-free situation I was seeing at the end of CORE-9173.
Wanna have a look?
To repro:
- Apply sendmsg-alloc-event-from-special-pool.patch
to allocate CompletionEvent from special pool
- Run user32_apitest.exe GetIconInfo
I did a little debugging and here's the order of events I observed:
- co_MsqSendMessage enqueues the event and goes into a wait state
- co_MsqSendMessage wakes up (presumably) with STATUS_TIMEOUT
- After waking up but before it has a chance to call UserEnterCo, co_MsqSendMessage gets unscheduled
- co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage gets called concurrently and removes the message from SentMessagesListHead
- co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage does a callout and thus leaves the user lock
- co_MsqSendMessage gets scheduled again, does not find Message in the list so performs no action on it, (correctly) assuming that it will be freed by someone else
- co_MsqSendMessage frees the CompletionEvent and returns (using ExFreePoolWithTag in the special pool version, it simply goes out of scope and the stack space gets reused in the unpatched version)
- co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage returns from its callout and tries to set Message->CompletionEvent, which was just freed
Here's Windbg output from when the use after free occurs in co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage:
Running Wine Test, Module: user32, Test: GetIconInfo
(..\..\win32ss\user\ntuser\winsta.c:937) err: WS : Granted Access 000F037F
(..\..\win32ss\gdi\eng\pdevobj.c:447) PDEVOBJ_bSwitchMode, ppdev = E1474AF0, pSurface = E1412B88
(..\..\win32ss\gdi\eng\pdevobj.c:500) leave, ppdev = E1474AF0, pSurface = E14FD950
GetIconInfo.c:163: Icon default size: 32x32.
(..\..\win32ss\user\winsrv\consrv\frontends\gui\conwnd.c:767) TODO: Destroy console caret
*** Fatal System Error: 0x000000cc
Driver at fault:
*** NTOSKRNL.EXE - Address 804A7DDE base at 80400000, DateStamp 54e217a3
Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
A fatal system error has occurred.
Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.
A fatal system error has occurred.
Connected to Windows Server 2003 3790 x86 compatible target at (Tue Feb 17 09:15:05.451 2015 (UTC + 1:00)), ptr64 FALSE
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck CC, {f3701ff0, 0, 804a7dde, 0}
Probably caused by : NTOSKRNL.EXE
Followup: MachineOwner
8055ef68 cc int 3
kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
Memory was referenced after it was freed.
This cannot be protected by try-except.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
Arg1: f3701ff0, memory referenced
Arg2: 00000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg3: 804a7dde, if non-zero, the address which referenced memory.
Arg4: 00000000, Mm internal code.
Debugging Details:
READ_ADDRESS: f3701ff0
nt!KeSetEvent+1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\eventobj.c @ 166]
804a7dde 0fb608 movzx ecx,byte ptr [eax]
PROCESS_NAME: explorer.exe
TRAP_FRAME: 00000010 -- (.trap 0x10)
Unable to read trap frame at 00000010
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 804a3a46 to 8055ef68
f20dd5b8 804a3a46 00000003 f20dd9a0 ffdff408 nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction
f20dd5e8 804a4494 00000003 f20ddac0 f20dd9e4 nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak+0x36 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\bug.c @ 536]
f20dd9a8 804a4c2e 00000050 f3701ff0 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckWithTf+0x5b4 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\bug.c @ 1100]
f20dd9c8 804ca4e2 00000050 f3701ff0 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\bug.c @ 1429]
f20ddac0 804f474e 00000000 f3701ff0 00000000 nt!MmArmAccessFault+0x822 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\arm3\pagfault.c @ 1853]
f20ddadc 80541a23 00000000 f3701ff0 00000000 nt!MmAccessFault+0xce [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\mmfault.c @ 243]
f20ddb10 804036df f20ddba4 804a7dde 02580320 nt!KiTrap0EHandler+0x1c3 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1277]
f20ddb10 804a7dde f20ddba4 804a7dde 02580320 nt!KiTrap0E+0x8f
f20ddba4 f25831c5 f3701ff0 00000000 00000000 nt!KeSetEvent+0x1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\eventobj.c @ 166]
f20ddbd8 f257729c f20ddcdc f20ddc5c cccccccc win32k!co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage+0x385 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 892]
f20ddc38 f257770c f20ddcbc 00000000 00000000 win32k!co_IntPeekMessage+0x9c [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 828]
f20ddc80 f257a0ae f20ddcbc 00000000 00000000 win32k!co_IntGetPeekMessage+0xfc [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1052]
f20ddcf4 805427d9 0012fc50 00000000 00000000 win32k!NtUserGetMessage+0x7e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 2127]
f20ddd14 805422ed f257a030 0012fc10 00000010 nt!KiSystemCallTrampoline+0x19 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\i386\ke.h @ 725]
f20ddd5c 80403e03 0012fc24 7c92fb8e badb0d00 nt!KiSystemServiceHandler+0x23d [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1717]
f20ddd5c 7c92fb8e 0012fc24 7c92fb8e badb0d00 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x8c
0012fc04 77a9f8c7 77a8713a 0012fc50 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0012fc08 77a8713a 0012fc50 00000000 00000000 user32!NtUserGetMessage+0xc
0012fc24 00414944 0012fc50 00000000 00000000 user32!GetMessageW+0x3a [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\user32\windows\message.c @ 2072]
0012fc74 0041462a 0013a710 0013a710 0012feb4 explorer!CTrayWindow::TrayMessageLoop+0x34 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\traywnd.cpp @ 2909]
0012fc84 00401a96 0013a734 0012ffb4 0012fef0 explorer!TrayMessageLoop+0x3a [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\traywnd.cpp @ 3154]
0012feb4 00401850 00400000 00000001 0012fedc explorer!StartWithDesktop+0x156 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\explorer.cpp @ 177]
0012fec4 0041f55e 00400000 00000000 00133be6 explorer!wWinMain+0x90 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\explorer.cpp @ 224]
0012fedc 0041ecec 00000001 00138bc8 001333c8 explorer!wmain+0x1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\crt\startup\crt0_w.c @ 26]
0012ffb4 0041e9e6 000000ff 0012fff0 77d93909 explorer!__tmainCRTStartup+0x2ac [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\crt\startup\crtexe.c @ 307]
0012ffc0 77d93909 00000000 00000000 7ffd6000 explorer!wWinMainCRTStartup+0x26 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\crt\startup\crtexe.c @ 168]
0012fff0 00000000 0041e9c0 00000000 ec0100ed kernel32!BaseProcessStartup+0x69 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\dll\win32\kernel32\client\proc.c @ 478]
Followup: MachineOwner
kd> kp
ChildEBP RetAddr
f20dd5b8 804a3a46 nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction
f20dd5e8 804a4494 nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak(unsigned long StatusCode = 3)+0x36 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\bug.c @ 536]
f20dd9a8 804a4c2e nt!KeBugCheckWithTf(unsigned long BugCheckCode = 0x50, unsigned long BugCheckParameter1 = 0xf3701ff0, unsigned long BugCheckParameter2 = 0, unsigned long BugCheckParameter3 = 0xf20ddb18, unsigned long BugCheckParameter4 = 0, struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf20ddb18)+0x5b4 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\bug.c @ 1100]
f20dd9c8 804ca4e2 nt!KeBugCheckEx(unsigned long BugCheckCode = 0x50, unsigned long BugCheckParameter1 = 0xf3701ff0, unsigned long BugCheckParameter2 = 0, unsigned long BugCheckParameter3 = 0xf20ddb18, unsigned long BugCheckParameter4 = 0)+0x1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\bug.c @ 1429]
f20ddac0 804f474e nt!MmArmAccessFault(unsigned char StoreInstruction = 0x00 '', void * Address = 0xf3701ff0, char Mode = 0n0 '', void * TrapInformation = 0xf20ddb18)+0x822 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\arm3\pagfault.c @ 1853]
f20ddadc 80541a23 nt!MmAccessFault(unsigned char StoreInstruction = 0x00 '', void * Address = 0xf3701ff0, char Mode = 0n0 '', void * TrapInformation = 0xf20ddb18)+0xce [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\mmfault.c @ 243]
f20ddb10 804036df nt!KiTrap0EHandler(struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf20ddb18)+0x1c3 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1277]
f20ddb10 804a7dde nt!KiTrap0E+0x8f
f20ddba4 f25831c5 nt!KeSetEvent(struct _KEVENT * Event = 0xf3701ff0, long Increment = 0, unsigned char Wait = 0x00 '')+0x1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\eventobj.c @ 166]
f20ddbd8 f257729c win32k!co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage(struct _THREADINFO * pti = 0xb49da120)+0x385 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\msgqueue.c @ 892]
f20ddc38 f257770c win32k!co_IntPeekMessage(struct tagMSG * Msg = 0xf20ddcbc, struct _WND * Window = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterMax = 0, unsigned int RemoveMsg = 0x4ff0001, long * ExtraInfo = 0xf20ddc68, int bGMSG = 1)+0x9c [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 828]
f20ddc80 f257a0ae win32k!co_IntGetPeekMessage(struct tagMSG * pMsg = 0xf20ddcbc, struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterMax = 0, unsigned int RemoveMsg = 0x4ff0001, int bGMSG = 1)+0xfc [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 1052]
f20ddcf4 805427d9 win32k!NtUserGetMessage(struct tagMSG * pMsg = 0x0012fc50, struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00000000, unsigned int MsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int MsgFilterMax = 0)+0x7e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\ntuser\message.c @ 2127]
f20ddd14 805422ed nt!KiSystemCallTrampoline(void * Handler = 0xf257a030, void * Arguments = 0x0012fc10, unsigned long StackBytes = 0x10)+0x19 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\i386\ke.h @ 725]
f20ddd5c 80403e03 nt!KiSystemServiceHandler(struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf20ddd64, void * Arguments = 0x0012fc10)+0x23d [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1717]
f20ddd5c 7c92fb8e nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x8c
0012fc04 77a9f8c7 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0012fc08 77a8713a user32!NtUserGetMessage+0xc
0012fc24 00414944 user32!GetMessageW(struct tagMSG * lpMsg = 0x0012fc50, struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00000000, unsigned int wMsgFilterMin = 0, unsigned int wMsgFilterMax = 0)+0x3a [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\win32ss\user\user32\windows\message.c @ 2072]
0012fc74 0041462a explorer!CTrayWindow::TrayMessageLoop(void)+0x34 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\traywnd.cpp @ 2909]
0012fc84 00401a96 explorer!TrayMessageLoop(struct ITrayWindow * Tray = 0x0013a734)+0x3a [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\traywnd.cpp @ 3154]
0012feb4 00401850 explorer!StartWithDesktop(struct HINSTANCE__ * hInstance = 0x00400000)+0x156 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\explorer.cpp @ 177]
0012fec4 0041f55e explorer!wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ * hInstance = 0x00400000, struct HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance = 0x00000000, wchar_t * lpCmdLine = 0x00133be6 "", int nCmdShow = 1)+0x90 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\base\shell\explorer\explorer.cpp @ 224]
0012fedc 0041ecec explorer!wmain(int flags = 1, unsigned short ** cmdline = 0x00138bc8, unsigned short ** inst = 0x001333c8)+0x1e [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\crt\startup\crt0_w.c @ 26]
0012ffb4 0041e9e6 explorer!__tmainCRTStartup(void)+0x2ac [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\crt\startup\crtexe.c @ 307]
0012ffc0 77d93909 explorer!wWinMainCRTStartup(void)+0x26 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\lib\sdk\crt\startup\crtexe.c @ 168]
0012fff0 00000000 kernel32!BaseProcessStartup(<function> * lpStartAddress = 0x0041e9c0)+0x69 [c:\ros\reactos-clean\reactos\dll\win32\kernel32\client\proc.c @ 478]
kd> ?? Message
struct _USER_SENT_MESSAGE * 0xf36e5fa8
+0x000 ListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xb49da2a9 - 0xb49da2a9 ]
+0x008 Msg : tagMSG
+0x024 QS_Flags : 0x40
+0x028 CompletionEvent : 0xf3701ff0 _KEVENT
+0x02c Result : 0xf2041920 -> 1
+0x030 lResult : 0
+0x034 ptiSender : 0xb4951ce0 _THREADINFO
+0x038 ptiReceiver : 0xb49da120 _THREADINFO
+0x03c CompletionCallback : (null)
+0x040 ptiCallBackSender : (null)
+0x044 CompletionCallbackContext : 0
+0x048 DispatchingListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xb4951d30 - 0xb4951d30 ]
+0x050 HookMessage : 0
+0x054 HasPackedLParam : 0
kd> ?? Message->CompletionEvent
struct _KEVENT * 0xf3701ff0
+0x000 Header : _DISPATCHER_HEADER
kd> ?? Message->CompletionEvent->Header
+0x000 Type : ??
+0x001 TimerControlFlags : ??
+0x001 Absolute : ??
+0x001 Coalescable : ??
+0x001 KeepShifting : ??
+0x001 EncodedTolerableDelay : ??
+0x001 Abandoned : ??
+0x001 NpxIrql : ??
+0x001 Signalling : ??
+0x002 ThreadControlFlags : ??
+0x002 CpuThrottled : ??
+0x002 CycleProfiling : ??
+0x002 CounterProfiling : ??
+0x002 Reserved : ??
+0x002 Size : ??
+0x002 Hand : ??
+0x003 Inserted : ??
+0x003 DebugActive : ??
+0x003 ActiveDR7 : ??
+0x003 Instrumented : ??
+0x003 Reserved2 : ??
+0x003 UmsScheduled : ??
+0x003 UmsPrimary : ??
+0x003 DpcActive : ??
+0x000 Lock : ??
+0x004 SignalState : ??
+0x008 WaitListHead : _LIST_ENTRY
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-10472 Major problem in r69793
- Resolved
CORE-7092 Diablo 1 retail bugchecks after changing display settings : MessageQueue passed to co_MsqSendMessage is NULL when broadcasting WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message
- Resolved
- duplicates
CORE-10016 Patch for race condition in msgqueue
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
CORE-9975 [Win32k] BSOD while switching console to fullscreen (alt+enter) in NTVDM
- Resolved
CORE-9701 Age of Empires 2 crashes on start (REGRESSION)
- Resolved
CORE-9718 ReactOS crashed when cmd (or ntvdm) window switched to fullscreen
- Resolved
CORE-9753 Enabling 256-bit color causes a BSOD
- Resolved
- relates to
CORE-10482 Use after free of USER_SENT_MESSAGE when running user32_apitest:SendMessageTimeout
- Resolved
CORE-9695 Assertion '(pti->pcti->fsChangeBits & QS_SENDMESSAGE) == 0' failed
- Resolved
CORE-10174 BSOD when switching back and forth console fullscreen
- Resolved
CORE-10178 Opening Road Rash game causes BSOD.
- Resolved
CORE-12197 VirtualBox floppy: errors on disk change
- Resolved