Uploaded image for project: 'Core ReactOS'
  1. Core ReactOS
  2. CORE-11974

MS FastFat in ReactOS: Assertion failed: IrpContext->ExceptionStatus == ExceptionCode



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Major
    • None
    • Drivers: Filesystems
    • None


      Installed 72653, swapped at the end of the first stage our fastfat.sys with the MS one for testing purposes.
      During the second stage, just after printing the "Swenum.sys" lin, the following is triggered:

      *** Assertion failed: IrpContext->ExceptionStatus == ExceptionCode
      ***   Source File: d:\nt\base\fs\fastfat\fatdata.c, line 266
      Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore, terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? break Once

      Args to Child              
      00000020 8059106f 00007262 nt!DbgBreakPoint
      fa09c232 fa09c212 0000010a nt!RtlAssert(void * FailedAssertion = 0xfa09c232, void * FileName = 0xfa09c212, unsigned long LineNumber = 0x10a, char * Message = 0x00000000 "")+0xb7 [c:\reactos\sdk\lib\rtl\assert.c @ 58]
      WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
      b096c178 f9e81248 804feb02 fastfat+0x335d
      b08fdb68 b0985b10 00000001 fastfat+0x157b3
      ffdff000 00200293 f9e823f8 nt!IofCallDriver(struct _DEVICE_OBJECT * DeviceObject = 0xb08fdb68, struct _IRP * Irp = 0xb0985b10)+0x97 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\irp.c @ 1225]
      b08fd3e8 00000000 00000000 nt!IopMountVolume(struct _DEVICE_OBJECT * DeviceObject = 0xb08fd3e8, unsigned char AllowRawMount = 0x00 '', unsigned char DeviceIsLocked = 0x00 '', unsigned char Alertable = 0x00 '', struct _VPB ** Vpb = 0xf9e82484)+0x2a6 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\volume.c @ 619]
      b08fe5f0 b08fd3e8 f9e82608 nt!IopCheckVpbMounted(struct _OPEN_PACKET * OpenPacket = 0xb08fe5f0, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT * DeviceObject = 0xb08fd3e8, struct _UNICODE_STRING * RemainingName = 0xf9e82608 "\ReactOS\system32\drivers\vbemp.sys", long * Status = 0xf9e82514)+0x85 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\volume.c @ 109]
      b08fd3e8 00000000 b0960300 nt!IopParseDevice(void * ParseObject = 0xb08fd3e8, void * ObjectType = 0x00000000, struct _ACCESS_STATE * AccessState = 0xb0960300, char AccessMode = 0n0 '', unsigned long Attributes = 0x240, struct _UNICODE_STRING * CompleteName = 0xf9e82650 "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\ReactOS\system32\drivers\vbemp.sys", struct _UNICODE_STRING * RemainingName = 0xf9e82608 "\ReactOS\system32\drivers\vbemp.sys", void * Context = 0xb08fe5f0, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE * SecurityQos = 0x00000000, void ** Object = 0xf9e825cc)+0x76c [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\file.c @ 606]
      00000000 f9e82650 00000240 nt!ObpLookupObjectName(void * RootHandle = 0x00000000, struct _UNICODE_STRING * ObjectName = 0xf9e82650 "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\ReactOS\system32\drivers\vbemp.sys", unsigned long Attributes = 0x240, struct _OBJECT_TYPE * ObjectType = 0x00000000, char AccessMode = 0n0 '', void * ParseContext = 0xb08fe5f0, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE * SecurityQos = 0x00000000, void * InsertObject = 0x00000000, struct _ACCESS_STATE * AccessState = 0xb0960300, struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT * LookupContext = 0xb09603a4, void ** FoundObject = 0xf9e8264c)+0x766 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ob\obname.c @ 818]
      f9e828fc 00000000 00000000 nt!ObOpenObjectByName(struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * ObjectAttributes = 0xf9e828fc, struct _OBJECT_TYPE * ObjectType = 0x00000000, char AccessMode = 0n0 '', struct _ACCESS_STATE * PassedAccessState = 0xb0960300, unsigned long DesiredAccess = 0x20, void * ParseContext = 0xb08fe5f0, void ** Handle = 0xf9e826c0)+0x15b [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ob\obhandle.c @ 2612]
      f9e82944 00000020 f9e828fc nt!IopCreateFile(void ** FileHandle = 0xf9e82944, unsigned long DesiredAccess = 0x20, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * ObjectAttributes = 0xf9e828fc, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK * IoStatusBlock = 0xf9e82920, union _LARGE_INTEGER * AllocationSize = 0x00000000, unsigned long FileAttributes = 0, unsigned long ShareAccess = 5, unsigned long Disposition = 1, unsigned long CreateOptions = 0, void * EaBuffer = 0x00000000, unsigned long EaLength = 0, _CREATE_FILE_TYPE CreateFileType = CreateFileTypeNone (0n0), void * ExtraCreateParameters = 0x00000000, unsigned long Options = 0, unsigned long Flags = 0, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT * DeviceObject = 0x00000000)+0x9a0 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\file.c @ 2485]
      f9e82944 00000020 f9e828fc nt!IoCreateFile(void ** FileHandle = 0xf9e82944, unsigned long DesiredAccess = 0x20, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * ObjectAttributes = 0xf9e828fc, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK * IoStatusBlock = 0xf9e82920, union _LARGE_INTEGER * AllocationSize = 0x00000000, unsigned long FileAttributes = 0, unsigned long ShareAccess = 5, unsigned long Disposition = 1, unsigned long CreateOptions = 0, void * EaBuffer = 0x00000000, unsigned long EaLength = 0, _CREATE_FILE_TYPE CreateFileType = CreateFileTypeNone (0n0), void * ExtraCreateParameters = 0x00000000, unsigned long Options = 0)+0x46 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\file.c @ 2649]
      f9e82944 00000020 f9e828fc nt!NtOpenFile(void ** FileHandle = 0xf9e82944, unsigned long DesiredAccess = 0x20, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * ObjectAttributes = 0xf9e828fc, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK * IoStatusBlock = 0xf9e82920, unsigned long ShareAccess = 5, unsigned long OpenOptions = 0)+0x32 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\file.c @ 3532]
      80459290 f9e8286c 00000018 nt!KiSystemCallTrampoline(void * Handler = 0x80459290, void * Arguments = 0xf9e8286c, unsigned long StackBytes = 0x18)+0x1b [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\include\internal\i386\ke.h @ 742]
      f9e82968 804019a5 badb0d00 nt!KiSystemServiceHandler(struct _KTRAP_FRAME * TrapFrame = 0xf9e827f4, void * Arguments = 0xf9e8286c)+0x22f [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\traphdlr.c @ 1738]
      f9e82968 804019a5 badb0d00 nt!KiInterruptTemplateDispatch+0x60
      f9e82944 00000020 f9e828fc nt!ZwOpenFile+0x11
      f9e82998 00000000 00000000 nt!MmLoadSystemImage(struct _UNICODE_STRING * FileName = 0xf9e82998 "\SystemRoot\system32\drivers\vbemp.sys", struct _UNICODE_STRING * NamePrefix = 0x00000000, struct _UNICODE_STRING * LoadedName = 0x00000000, unsigned long Flags = 0, void ** ModuleObject = 0xf9e82a38, void ** ImageBaseAddress = 0xf9e82a00)+0x4e7 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\mm\arm3\sysldr.c @ 3020]
      00000000 f9e82a38 00000001 nt!IopLoadServiceModule(struct _UNICODE_STRING * ServiceName = 0xb08e4904 "VBE", struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY ** ModuleObject = 0xf9e82a38)+0x25a [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\driver.c @ 408]
      b08e4858 b0956838 00000000 nt!IopActionInitChildServices(struct _DEVICE_NODE * DeviceNode = 0xb08e4858, void * Context = 0xb0956838)+0x1ca [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 2647]
      f9e82ae0 b08e4858 00000000 nt!IopTraverseDeviceTreeNode(struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT * Context = 0xf9e82ae0)+0x23 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 1361]
      f9e82ae0 b0969240 00000000 nt!IopTraverseDeviceTreeNode(struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT * Context = 0xf9e82ae0)+0x5e [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 1375]
      f9e82ae0 b096cb68 00000000 nt!IopTraverseDeviceTreeNode(struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT * Context = 0xf9e82ae0)+0x5e [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 1375]
      f9e82ae0 b0985ca8 00000000 nt!IopTraverseDeviceTreeNode(struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT * Context = 0xf9e82ae0)+0x5e [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 1375]
      f9e82ae0 b0956838 f9e82af0 nt!IopTraverseDeviceTreeNode(struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT * Context = 0xf9e82ae0)+0x5e [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 1375]
      f9e82ae0 b08e4858 b0956838 nt!IopTraverseDeviceTree(struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT * Context = 0xf9e82ae0)+0x1a [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 1400]
      b0956838 00000001 b096c008 nt!IopInitializePnpServices(struct _DEVICE_NODE * DeviceNode = 0xb0956838)+0x24 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 2720]
      b0956988 00000001 00000000 nt!IopEnumerateDevice(struct _DEVICE_OBJECT * DeviceObject = 0xb0956988)+0x228 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpmgr.c @ 2407]
      8007a000 805a86ec 00000001 nt!IoInitSystem(struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK * LoaderBlock = 0x8007a000)+0x31f [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\io\iomgr\iomgr.c @ 578]
      8007a000 f9e82dc0 804d8e14 nt!Phase1InitializationDiscard(void * Context = 0x8007a000)+0xa21 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ex\init.c @ 1801]
      8007a000 00000000 8000003b nt!Phase1Initialization(void * Context = 0x8007a000)+0xe [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ex\init.c @ 2018]
      8042a360 8007a000 f9e82de0 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup(<function> * StartRoutine = 0x8042a360, void * StartContext = 0x8007a000)+0x64 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ps\thread.c @ 158]
      8042a360 8007a000 00000000 nt!KiThreadStartup(void)+0x42 [c:\reactos\ntoskrnl\ke\i386\thrdini.c @ 81]
      8007a000 00000000 0000027f nt!PspUnhandledExceptionInSystemThread+0xcf
      00000000 0000027f 00000000 nt!RtlStringCbCatExA+0x7f
      0000027f 00000000 00000000 0x8007a000

      Debuglog attached.




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