Virtual Memory : current allocated memory indication is missing
Current Pagefiel size not displayed because code is intentionnally disabled :
/* Set current pagefile size */
#if 0 |
PageFileSizeMb = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) |
PageFileSizeMb += pVirtMem->Pagefile[i].InitialSize;
_stprintf(szBuffer, _T("%u MB"), PageFileSizeMb); |
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_CURRENT, szBuffer);
Moreover :
- Windows XP asks VM to be in [ 2MB - 4096MB ] and warns upon it
- ROS asks VM to be in [16MB - 4095MB] and warns to be [16MB - full disk]
- XP was designed in times where 1,5 x AvailMemory was far below 4096 MB, it may recommend a value for pagefile higher than the maximal allowed size. I suggest to cap Recommended value to limit of Maximal value (4096 MB max)
- Should ask for reboot if settings changed (like Windows XP)
Issue Links
- relates to
CORE-18574 Discrepancy in Pagefile management error messages
- Resolved
CORE-16915 [SYSDM] Hardcoded "MB" prevents localization
- Resolved