reactOS 0.4.7RC1
VBox 4.3.40 VBEMP
FamiTracker 0.4.6 from rapps
Observed result
When I try to open the about dlg, there is no about-dlg painted, but it must be open secretly, because I can not interact with the main window anymore until press escape (to close the invisible about-dlg)
Expected result
just shows the about dlg as one would expect
Issue Links
- is blocked by
CORE-13953 WIN32K BSOD 0x00000019 after simultaneous usage of WinSpy from rapps and FamiTracker from rapps
- Resolved
CORE-14685 Win32SS assertions while using WinSpy together with FamiTracker (followed by BSODs)
- Resolved
CORE-18593 CMD Don't redraw scrollbar if scrollbar is hidden
- Resolved
- is duplicated by
CORE-13930 FamiTracker 0.4.6 from rapps does not redraw all GUI elements when maximizing
- Resolved