Well, seems that the ScrollBar is not "reciving" any messages from its Parent window.
-Move the thumb slider.
-The Thumb slider doesn't move
-Place the cursor outside the main window and below the scrollbar.
-Move slow upwards.
-When reaching the window border, the cursor becomes a "resize arrow"(cursor with two arrows)
-The resize arrow should become a normal cursor shortly afterwards, when the cursor leaves the border area and goes into the Scrollbar child window -> The cursor keeps being a "resize arrow".
-Keep moving upwards slowly.
-The cursor just becomes a "normal cursor" when leaving the Scrollbar control.
PD:This is a scheleton app, this means that several messages are not being handled(as Scrollbar resize and repaint).The app has been created to reveal just these 2 bugs.
Issue Links
- relates to
CORE-12114 Does not work scrolling in the ScrollBox control.
- Resolved
CORE-12827 Scrollbars not sending proper message sequence.
- Reopened
CORE-6180 Graphical glitches when maximizing window
- Resolved