Everybody knows that Windows (and therefore ReactOS) still have support for DOS-reserved filenames, that are, COM(1..9), AUX, LPT(1..4), PRN, NUL, and also CON, CONIN$ and CONOUT$. Those special names are available in every place in the file system (only at the level of user-mode, ie. this is not hardcoded into the kernel) so that, even if it is possible for the user to read or write to those special "files", creating normal files with those names become impossible (also, trying to open those, for example when they were created from another system, become impossible). See for a story about that.
What I propose is to add a run-time option in ReactOS such that the support of those special files would be magically disabled (or reenabled) as soon as the user feels they are (un)desirable (obviously, for compatibility purposes with Windows, we would need to have the special files support enabled by default).