reactOS 0.4.8-RC-25-g11bf8fa
on VBox 4.3.40 without additions VBEMP was in use.
Our explorer_new has issues for many programs still hiding its taskbar when in fullscreen.
This is almost for sure an issue compiled into the explorer_new binary, as both: explorer_old and explorer from 2k3sp2 behave fine in these scenarios
For testing I use:
- Diablo II shareware main menu (from rapps)
- DosBox 0.74 (from rapps)
In both apps the taskbar stays visible with explorer_new, but explorer_old and 2k3sp2-explorer behave fine.
0.4.8RC25_explorerNew_vs_ExplorerOld.webm (bad vs good)
Explorer_new_Only.log covers the first problematic part of the video (bad)
Explorer_new_and_Explorer_Old.log covers the full video (bad vs good)
2k3explorer.log behaves like the second part of the video (good)
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-11242 Some games may leave taskbar visible in fullscreen mode
- Open
- duplicates
CORE-16130 [EXPLORER] DosBox 0.74.2 leaves the taskbar visible when switching into fullscreen via Alt+Enter
- Resolved