Resolution: Unresolved
Word 2010 support for ReactOS Community Edition
Word 2010 support for ReactOS Community Edition.
- Reports in the section "Issues in Epic" are those directly related with the topic of this Epic, aka Word 2010 (and to some extent, Office 2010).
- Reports in the section "Issue Links" are those indirectly related with this Epic, such as other reports concerning older versions of Word, on which it seems natural to continue keeping an eye on them while working on Word 2010 support.
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-8608 ReactOS Community Edition blockers
- Open
- is blocked by
CORE-12413 We incorrectly stop the services
- Resolved
CORE-12414 Environment block not correctly initialized for started services
- Resolved
CORE-12335 Add _wtof CRT function
- Resolved
CORE-12811 Add the MOF compiler stub from Wine to satisfy Office 2010 last installation step
- Resolved
CORE-12825 NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW crashes at a ExAllocatePoolWithTag call
- Resolved
CORE-12852 Crash in ws2_32 when starting Word 2010 for the first time
- Resolved
CORE-12855 Invalid calls to LoadLibrary(Ex) during Office 2010 installation
- Resolved
CORE-14053 Microsoft Office 2010 ProPlus (trial) can't be uninstalled from Rapps
- Untriaged
CORE-12601 Our secur32.dll misses some authentication providers (e.g. NTLM ...)
- Open
CORE-13189 MS Office Word 97 - wrong ordering of elements in the symbols bar
- Resolved
- relates to
CORE-8367 Word Viewer 2003 copy_text test causes testbot timeout
- Open
CORE-8511 METABUG: Office 2007 related problems
- Open
CORE-8610 Office 2003 can't register a module
- Open
CORE-8178 zz_word_viewer_2003:2.copy_text test breaks
- Open
CORE-12378 MS Office Word 2000 - graphical glitch: black squares in the left gutter
- Open
CORE-9171 Office 2007 fails to install
- Resolved
CORE-9217 Office 2000 can't be installed
- Resolved
CORE-10748 Word viewer 2003 from rapps hangs during opening of document
- Resolved
CORE-11220 [GDI] MS wordviewer 2003 GDI exception & application crash when scrolling to page2 in sample doc
- Resolved
CORE-11972 %Userprofile% is missing an Environment Variable
- Resolved
CORE-12071 ROS hangs when using menu in Word (OfficeXP)
- Resolved
CORE-8406 Contable assert during start of Portable Word 2010 LDR: Process initialization failure
- Open
CORE-8397 Office 2010 x86 installation Install window closes suddenly and unexpectedly.
- Resolved
CORE-12085 An "Open" file dialog in Ms Word 2003 causes the system to hang
- Resolved
CORE-10308 [ntuser] Major GUI issues in Office 2007
- Resolved
CORE-12819 Investigating some win32k issues
- Untriaged