Report for ShellExecute(Ex) bugs.
Issue Links
- relates to
CORE-18967 Taskbar toolbar - Right click > Open folder fails
- Resolved
CORE-11335 paint and pbrush For Compatibility
- Resolved
CORE-12604 ReactOS executes extensionless files in PATH
- Open
CORE-17660 Start - Run Dialog with "control userpasswords2" causes application exception error
- Open
CORE-10815 Path not found error at open trash path from shortcut
- Open
CORE-6412 kernel32: rtl: shell32 FoxitReader4: starts directly instead of launching setup wizard (spaces in file name)
- Resolved
CORE-12266 ShellExecuteEx failed (1156)... but correctly executed !
- Resolved
CORE-12882 "Win+R fonts" doesn't open the Fonts folder
- Resolved
CORE-12927 ShellExecute: does not correctly handle spaces inside lpFile.
- Resolved
CORE-13279 Run window doesn't ignore the spaces before entered command
- Resolved
CORE-13847 Problem while interpreting the command: start explorer.exe \
- Resolved
CORE-15431 System variables do not work in the Run dialog box.
- Resolved
CORE-15434 Wrong behavior in some cases "Run dialog box"
- Resolved
CORE-16299 Regression, Desk.cpl does not longer open up when invoked from desktops context menu
- Resolved
CORE-16898 Run command "iexplore" fails to open Wine Internet Explorer
- Resolved
CORE-17612 [SHELL32] ShellExecCmdLine(), RunDlg does not accept calling a batch file without extension
- Resolved
CORE-14583 Start > Run does not set the proper current directory for the new process
- Resolved
CORE-17351 Regression, [SHELL32] shlexec.cpp, RunDlg fails calling URL without http, because ShellExecCmdLine() rejects it to pass
- Resolved
CORE-14469 lpDirectory must have priority in ShellExecuteEx
- Resolved
CORE-14409 Some tests failed with point as part path
- Untriaged
CORE-2502 Executing a shortcut from ShellExecute() can result in endless loop
- Resolved
CORE-13394 An arbitrary string in the address bar in Explorer should open in default internet browser
- Resolved