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  1. Core ReactOS
  2. CORE-12323

Improve the system usability by the keyboard EPIC



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Improve the system usability by the keyboard EPIC


      The system has large problems associated with the use of the keyboard.
      The choice of desktop icons keys "Left" and "Right", but not "Up" and "Down". (solved)
      -Explorer context menu is displayed in the lower right corner, if you call it by pressing "menu"- (solved according to KrosUser)
      In Explorer you can not change the input focus by pressing TAB key.
      In many programs it is impossible to access the main menu using the ALT key (for Example: Device Manager, Explorer, Event Viewer, etc.)
      -In the dialog box "Properties for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", I was not able to set the switch "Use the following IP address"- (solved according to Krosuser)
      In the same window using the TAB key I was unable to set focus text fields to enter IP addresses, DNS, etc.

      Apparently this is only a small part of all the problems that exist in the system. If You work it without a mouse, I am sure, will find a lot of things inconvenient.
      P.S. I Want to Express a wish: please, test ALL the Windows on the subject of easy use with keyboard. It would be great if will be a standard rule, to avoid such problems in the future.


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