Resolution: Unresolved
please create individual tickets for each crash that you intend to fix, please do not link all of them against ROSTESTS-388 ! We do use this here just as an epic to group them together.
The purpose of this issue is to fix the following 13 crashes:
advpack:DelNode - ExceptionCode: c0000005CORE-19172#5692- comdlg32:filedlg - Debug Assertion Failed!
- comdlg32:printdlg - ExceptionCode: c0000005 CORE-19173 #5689 most likely not optimal
- d3drm:d3drm - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- dsound:capture - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- dsound:duplex - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- mshtml:activex - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- mshtml:htmldoc - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- ntdll:exception - ExceptionCode: 80000003
- setupapi:devinst - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- shell32:progman_dde - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- urlmon:misc - ExceptionCode: c0000005
ws2_32:sock - ExceptionCode: c0000005ROSTESTS-385#5609
The following tests are crashing on x64:
- advapi32:security
- compiler:pseh
- compiler:pseh_cpp
- kernel32:SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
- kmtest:NpfsReadWriten (randomly)
- mshtml:xmlhttprequest
- msi:action (randomly)
- msi:installn(randomly)
- msvcrt:cpp
- msvcrt:string (only after enabling NT6)
- netapi32:access
- ntdll:NtReadFile (randomly)
- ntdll:NtWriteFile (randomly)
- oleaut32:tmarshal
- oleaut32:vartest
- shell32:ShellExecCmdLine (randomly)
- shell32:ShellExecuteEx (randomly)
- shell32:ShellExecuteW (randomly)
- shlwapi:SHPropertyBag
- shlwapi:url
- wininet:ftp (Randomly. After enabling NT6?)
- wshom:wshom (Randomly. After enabling NT6?)
Step 1: Get a detailed log with the call stack (filenames and line numbers) (using the environment variable DEBUGCHANNEL).
Step 2: Detect the crash location (source filename and line number).
Step 3: Fix all crash causes in target components and/or rostests.
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-19209 SetupAPI partial sync to Wine 8.15
- In Progress
- is blocked by
CORE-10582 Crash in d3drm_winetest:d3drm since Wine sync
- Open
CORE-12104 Fix some ws2_32:sock tests
- Open
CORE-19054 CRASH on urlmon:misc testcase
- Open
ROSTESTS-39 ntdll_winetest:exception enters kdbg on int3 exception test
- Open
ROSTESTS-66 setupapi_winetest: devinst tests from Wine 1.5.4 cause issues
- Open
ROSTESTS-80 ntdll_winetest:exception test crashing
- Open
ROSTESTS-114 mshtml_winetest:activex test crashes
- Open
CORE-17277 crash of dsound:duplex on "GCCLin_x86 on Test VBox"
- Reopened
CORE-17278 crash of dsound:capture on "GCCLin_x86 on Test VBox"
- Resolved
CORE-19169 random comdlg32_winetest:filedlg crash
- Untriaged
- relates to
ROSTESTS-393 Test bots became unstable
- Reopened
CORE-19154 Random reboots on the testbots since today, with guilty rev 0.4.15-dev-6587-g2b14056
- Resolved
CORE-19667 Regression, 4 new reproducible machine reboots in gdi* on both bots since font commit on 2024-06-30
- Resolved
CORE-19173 comdlg32:printdlg crashes - ExceptionCode: c0000005
- Untriaged
ROSTESTS-394 frequent *but random* crashes of msxml3:httpreq, winhttp:notification, winhttp:winhttp, wininet:http seem to have their root-cause on the Wine internet server side???
- Untriaged
CORE-6559 ReactOS DDE implementation is.. too buggy to be useful
- Open
CORE-13359 Crash in comdlg32!PrintDlgW when opening wordpad
- Open
CORE-19172 [CRT] advpack:DelNode crashes
- Resolved
CORE-14602 Intermittent "HEAP: Trying to free an invalid address" + "Assertion failed: FreeEntry->PreviousSize == CurrentEntry->Size", during "mshtml : htmldoc", on Test VBox
- Untriaged
CORE-14606 Intermittent "[SYSREG] timeout", after multiple " INFO: No module at 0x........"", during "mshtml : htmldoc", on testbots
- Untriaged
CORE-13275 Fix advpack.dll DelNode function
- Untriaged